


哥伦比亚的首都是该国的国际大都会,鹅卵石铺成的后街遇到了当代建筑的壮举。 波哥大是一个人口稠密的城市蔓延,坐落在世界上一些最令人印象深刻的山脉之中,并拥有深深的嵌入和迷人的文化。

Modern Bogota is known for its rich cultural heritage, fantastic culinary scene and burgeoning arts districts.现代波哥大以其丰富的文化底蕴,奇妙的美食风貌和新兴的艺术区而闻名。 Creativity and passion run through the veins of this city and make it a truly liberating destination to visit.创意和热情贯穿这座城市的脉络,使之成为真正解放的游览目的地。 At night, Bogota continues to impress with a lively and thriving gay nightlife industry that has something for every taste.到了晚上,波哥大继续以充满活力和蓬勃发展的同性恋夜生活行业给人留下深刻的印象,该行业应有尽有。

The gay scene in Bogota is largely focused around the upmarket and recently regenerated area of Chapinero.波哥大的同性恋场景主要集中在高档和最近重生的Chapinero地区。 The district is home to more than 100 gay bars, clubs and shops and evidence of the city's vibrant LGBT+ community can be seen throughout.该地区拥有XNUMX多个同性恋酒吧,俱乐部和商店,并且可以在整个地方看到该市充满活力的LGBT +社区的证据。 Bogota is becoming increasingly known as a hub of gay culture and community in South America and gay travelers are flocking to experience all that this unique and diverse city has to offer.波哥大正日益成为南美同性恋文化和社区的枢纽,而同性恋旅行者正蜂拥而至,体验这座独特而多样化的城市所提供的一切。



坐落在同性恋Chapinero心脏地带的老电影院里, 剧场 Theatron通常被称为“南美最大的同性恋俱乐部”,拥有5个楼层和13个主题房间,这一称号是当之无愧的。 Theatron的每个房间均以不同的音乐风格或时代为主题,这意味着在此场所,每个同性恋旅行者都可以享受俱乐部生活。 The club is one of the most popular in Bogota and attracts over 8,000 patrons every Saturday night.该俱乐部是波哥大最受欢迎的俱乐部之一,每个星期六晚上吸引XNUMX多位顾客。

Boogaloo俱乐部 Boogaloo拥有众多多样的人群,是前往波哥大旅行的不容错过的目的地。

在城市同志社区中最喜欢的傍晚视频群聊, 彩屋咖啡吧 opened in 2008 and has been a staple of the gay scene in Bogota ever since.自XNUMX年开业以来,一直是波哥大同志活动的主要内容。 The vibrant decor, amazing drink deals and casual atmosphere make Color House the perfect place to warm up before heading to some of Chapinero's bigger gay clubs.色彩缤纷的装潢,令人惊艳的饮品优惠和休闲的氛围,使Color House成为前往Chapinero较大的同性恋俱乐部之前热身的理想场所。 The bar is just a short walk from Theatron and draws impressive crowds on weekends.该酒吧距离Theatron仅几步之遥,并且在周末吸引许多人前来。



Most gay travelers choose to stay in the affluent El Retiro neighbourhood or Chapinero.大多数同性恋旅行者选择留在富裕的El Retiro附近或Chapinero。 Both districts provide travelers with a plethora of hotel and accommodation choices as well as quick and convenient access to the city's most popular gay bars and clubs.这两个区都为旅客提供了众多的酒店和住宿选择,并且可以方便快捷地前往城市最受欢迎的同性恋酒吧和俱乐部。 Hotels in these areas are also more likely to be gay-friendly and gay travelers should be able to enjoy a stress-free stay.这些地区的酒店也更可能是同性恋友好的场所,同性恋旅行者应该能够享受无压力的住宿。

最近翻新并证明是时尚的四星级住宿, 波哥大希尔顿酒店 Hilton酒店的客房配有舒适典雅的家具,并为客人提供波哥大天际线无与伦比的美景。 Many of the city's most significant and popular attractions are located within walking distance from the hotel, including the National Pedagogic University.该城市的许多最重要和最受欢迎的景点都位于酒店的步行范围内,包括国立教育大学。

索菲特酒店 was Colombia's first luxury hotel and is situated in the up-market El Retiro neighbourhood of Bogota.是哥伦比亚第一家豪华酒店,位于波哥大高档El Retiro附近。 The building was designed by world-renowned architect Miguel Soto, and the rooms are individually finished with decorative accessories and furniture from the likes of Hermes and Lavin.该建筑是由世界著名建筑师米格尔·索托(Miguel Soto)设计的,房间均单独装饰了爱马仕(Hermes)和拉文(Lavin)等装饰配件和家具。 The on-site dining options available in The Sofitel include a french bistro-style restaurant and a casual lounge bar, in addition, many of the city's best gay nightlife venues are located within short walking distance.索菲特酒店提供的现场用餐选择包括法式小酒馆风格的餐厅和休闲酒廊酒吧,此外,该市许多最佳同性恋夜生活场所都位于步行范围之内。

在毫不费力的时尚和顶级之间,实现了微妙的平衡, W酒店波哥大 是欣赏古怪和奢华的同性恋旅行者的绝佳选择。 W 所在的地区位于 Usaquen 街区,在被高耸的摩天大楼、精品店和时尚餐厅接管之前,它曾经是一片农田。 整个酒店都以金色为主题,大堂、浴室甚至枕头都为客人提供了在波哥大市中心的奢华和优雅的住宿体验。



La Candelaria is the beating heart of Bogota and also the oldest and best-preserved part of the city.拉坎德拉里亚(La Candelaria)是波哥大的跳动心脏,也是该城市最古老和保存最完好的部分。 The area is home to perfectly restored 300-year old houses, narrow back alleys and stunning street murals.该地区拥有经过全面修复的19年历史的房屋,狭窄的后巷和令人惊叹的壁画。 The centre of La Candelaria is Plaza De Bolivar, a large square marked by a bronze statue of Simon Bolivar, the military and political leader who earned much of South America's independence from Spain in the XNUMXth century.拉坎德拉里亚(La Candelaria)的中心是玻利瓦尔广场(Plaza De Bolivar),这是一个大型广场,上面刻有军事和政治领袖西蒙·玻利瓦尔(Simon Bolivar)的青铜雕像,他在XNUMX世纪获得了南美洲从西班牙独立的大部分时间。





Looming over Downtown Bogota and dominating the city's skyline, Cerro de Monserrate is Bogota's most popular tourist attraction.塞罗·德·蒙塞拉特(Cerro de Monserrate)环绕着波哥大市区,并主导着城市的天际线,是波哥大最受欢迎的旅游景点。 The mountain has long been considered a place of sacred cultural significance for the residents of the city because of the small church that sits at its summit, and visitors can still appreciate the stunning panoramic views today.长期以来,这座山一直被认为是这座城市居民具有神圣文化意义的地方,因为它坐落在山顶上的一座小教堂里,如今游客仍然可以欣赏到壮丽的全景。

Access to the summit of Cerro de Monserrate is achieved via cable car, operating every day and charging a relatively inexpensive fee.通过缆车可以进入Cerro de Monserrate的山顶,该缆车每天运营,收取相对便宜的费用。 This option transports visitors from Downtown Bogota to the top of the mountain quickly and with comfort.此选项将游客从波哥大市区快速便捷地运送到山顶。 Alternatively, there a number of hiking trails and walking paths that snake their way up the side of the colossal Cerro de Monserrate.另外,有许多远足径和人行道蜿蜒在巨大的塞罗德蒙塞拉特(Cerro de Monserrate)一侧。 However, the walk should only be attempted by adventurous travelers as the combination of high altitude pressure and the dramatic incline make hiking the mountain a challenging prospect.但是,冒险的旅行者只能尝试步行,因为高海拔压力和剧烈的倾斜使徒步登山成为一个挑战。



Every June a range of pride events take place in the city and the focal point of these is the Bogota Pride March.每年六月,该市都会举行一系列骄傲活动,而这些活动的焦点是波哥大骄傲游行。 The march tends to occur at the end of the month and draws large crowds of LGBT+ individuals and allies seeking to celebrate the diversity of Bogota's LGBT+ community as well as demand an end to discrimination in all its forms.游行通常在本月底举行,吸引了大批LGBT +个人和盟友,他们试图庆祝波哥大LGBT +社区的多样性,并要求制止一切形式的歧视。

Bogota had its first pride parade in 1982, and the original event was attended by just 30 people.波哥大于200,000年举行了第一次骄傲游行,最初的活动只有XNUMX人参加。 Today the Bogota Pride March attracts over XNUMX people, who march, watch and support the rights of LGBT+ people in Colombia.今天,“波哥大骄傲游行”吸引了XNUMX多人,他们在哥伦比亚游行,观看和支持LGBT +人民的权利。


Colombia has some of the most advanced gay rights in South America with a number of laws designed to protect LGBT+ individuals from violence, discrimination and extortion.哥伦比亚拥有南美洲最先进的同性恋权利,并制定了许多旨在保护LGBT +个人免遭暴力,歧视和勒索的法律。 Additionally, same-sex marriage was legalised in the country in 2016 and in 2018 Bogota elected its first lesbian mayor.此外,同性婚姻于XNUMX年在该国合法化,XNUMX年,波哥大当选第一位女同性恋市长。 Transgender people in Colombia also enjoy a range of legal protections and liberties including the right to undergo gender confirmation surgery without extensive psychiatric evaluation.哥伦比亚的跨性别者还享有一系列法律保护和自由,包括未经大量精神病学评估而接受性别确认手术的权利。


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