Often forgotten in the shadows of bustling and sprawling Tokyo and the smaller historic cities of Japan, Osaka is traditionally the home of the working classes.大阪经常被熙熙and,无处不在的阴影以及日本较小的历史名城所掩盖,传统上是工人阶级的故乡。 In this vibrant and electrifying city, the residents have decided to shed to the conservatism of wider Japanese society, gaining a reputation as one of the world's most fun-loving destinations.在这个充满生机和活力的城市中,居民们决定摆脱更广泛的日本社会的保守主义,并获得世界上最有趣的目的地之一的美誉。
Osaka is not an attractive city in the traditional sense, however, there is a charm to the expanse of grey concrete buildings and glass skyscrapers that is largely driven by the enigmatic and charismatic people who occupy them.大阪不是传统意义上的吸引力城市,但是,灰色的混凝土建筑和玻璃摩天大楼的魅力很大,这主要是由居住在其中的神秘和超凡魅力的人们所驱动。 At night the city comes alive.到了晚上,这座城市还活着。 Lit by the neon signs that cover its buildings, Osaka has one of the liveliest nightlife scenes in Japan, consisting of an array of hyper-niche bars and clubs that tend to cater to a very specific audience.大阪被建筑物上的霓虹灯所照亮,是日本夜生活最热闹的地方之一,由一系列高档小巧的酒吧和夜总会组成,可满足特定人群的需求。
The non-judgemental and relaxed attitudes of Osaka have led to the establishment of a large, diverse, and vibrant gay scene.大阪人的不拘一格和轻松的态度导致建立了一个庞大,多样且充满活力的同性恋场面。 The main gay area of the city is Doyama, a large and welcoming tourist hotspot that is home to the majority of the gay nightlife venues.该市的主要同性恋者地区是堂山市(Doyama),这是一个受欢迎的大型旅游热点,这里是大多数同性恋夜生活场所的所在地。 Osaka is a colorful and liberating city, paired with the impressive gay scene, the city is a must-visit destination for gay travelers.大阪是一个多彩而自由的城市,加上令人印象深刻的同性恋场面,这座城市是同性恋旅行者必游的目的地。
The epicenter of Osaka's gay nightlife scene is Doyama, and particularly the area surrounding Umeda station.大阪同性恋夜生活的中心地带是堂山,尤其是梅田车站周围的地区。 The district is a bustling a vibrant hub of tourism and entertainment and is generally regarded as one of the most exciting areas in Japan.该地区是繁华的旅游和娱乐中心,通常被认为是日本最令人兴奋的地区之一。 The bars here tend t be small, so patrons will usually sit on stools around the bar, chatting to other guests and bar staff.这里的酒吧往往很小,因此顾客通常会坐在酒吧周围的凳子上,与其他客人和酒吧工作人员聊天。
大阪同性恋游客中最受欢迎的俱乐部之一是 大满贯。 This foreigner-friendly gay club has been catering to Osaka's loud and proud gay population for over a decade.这个对外国人友好的同性恋俱乐部在过去的十年中一直为大阪的同性恋人群提供服务。 Specialing in karaoke, the bar is slightly larger than most nearby venues and can easily seat 30-40 people.酒吧以卡拉OK为特色,比附近的大多数场所稍大,可轻松容纳XNUMX至XNUMX人。 The lively atmosphere where makes Grand Slam the ideal place for travelers seeking an action-packed night out.充满活力的气氛使大满贯成为寻求充满活力的夜晚的旅行者的理想之地。
村 is arguably one of the largest gay clubs outside of Tokyo.可以说是东京以外最大的同性恋俱乐部之一。 The lively venue is a staple of the gay scene in Osaka and is a firm favorite amongst both local and visiting gay guys.这座热闹的场地是大阪同性恋场景的重要组成部分,在本地和来访的同性恋者中都非常受欢迎。 Capable of hosting upwards of 100 guests, the bar is very large by Japanese standards and features a long bar which is the perfect spot to meet and chat with local gay guys.该酒吧最多可容纳XNUMX位客人,按照日本的标准,它很大,设有一个长酒吧,是结识当地同性恋者并聊天的理想场所。 Village is the perfect place for travelers seeking the best gay entertainment in Osaka as the bar often hosts drag performances, cabaret, and comedy shows.乡村(Village)是寻求大阪最佳同性恋娱乐活动的旅行者的理想之地,因为酒吧经常举办拉演出,歌舞表演和喜剧表演。
无疑,前往城市更热闹的酒吧前热身的最佳场所无疑是 卢浦。 This lesbian-owned bar is renowned for drawing in a diverse cross-section of the LGBT+ community.这家由女同性恋拥有的酒吧以在LGBT +社区的各个不同方面进行绘制而闻名。 Drinks are priced at a set 800 Yen and there is no cover charger, making it an affordable option for pre-drinking.饮料的价格定为XNUMX日元,而且没有盖子充电器,使其成为可预付的负担得起的选择。 The last Sunday of every month is a women's only party, but otherwise, LuPu is open to all.每个月的最后一个星期日是女性唯一的聚会,但除此之外,LuPu向所有人开放。
Osaka's identity as a hotspot of gay community and culture means that almost all of the hotels in the city can be considered gay-friendly and most gay travelers will have no issues during their stay.大阪作为同性恋社区和文化热点的身份,意味着该市几乎所有酒店都被视为对同性恋友好的,大多数同性恋旅行者在住宿期间不会遇到任何问题。 However, to guarantee an inclusive and welcoming stay, consider staying in the gay district of Doyama.但是,为确保包容和热情的住宿,请考虑住在多山的同性恋区。 Staying in this district will also enable you to quickly access the city's gay bars and clubs with ease.住在这个地区也将使您能够轻松快速地访问城市的同性恋酒吧和俱乐部。
Osaka is a very modern city and as such it's only fitting that your accommodation is also of a contemporary and sleek standard.大阪是一个非常现代的城市,因此,您的住宿也必须具有现代和时尚的水准,这是非常合适的。 The的 大阪格兰比亚酒店 Hotel Granvia酒店不仅靠近众多的餐厅,酒吧和商店,而且客房均以雅致的标准装潢并极为宽敞。 In addition, the gay district of Doyama is located within quick walking distance.此外,堂山的同性恋区也位于步行范围之内。
对于终极豪华住宿,请考虑住在 希尔顿大阪。 This centrally located hotel is a steadfast favorite amongst gay travelers for its clean and contemporary design, high-end facilities, and stunning views of the sprawling Osaka skyline.这家位于市中心的酒店以其干净现代的设计,高端设施以及一览无余的大阪天际线的壮丽景色而受到同志旅行者的坚定欢迎。 The abundant facilities at the Hilton include a gym, spa, and on-site dining and guests will find a fusion of Japanese and western commodities.希尔顿酒店丰富的设施包括健身房,水疗中心和现场用餐,宾客会发现日本和西方商品融合了。
Any trip to Japan is incomplete without experiencing the iconic pod hotels.没有体验标志性的吊舱酒店,到日本的任何旅行都是不完整的。 At在 Eco Cube Shinsaibashi,客人可以在小型睡眠胶囊中入睡,这些胶囊完全配备了人们可能需要的所有设施和技术。 Eco Cube是正在预算内探索大阪的旅行者的热门选择。
Osaka is an LGBT+ hotspot in Japan and the city is known to have a rapidly increasing gay scene.大阪是日本的LGBT +热点地区,而大阪市的同性恋人数迅速增加。 As such, it should come as no surprise that the city is also home to one of Japan's largest and best-attended prides.因此,这座城市还拥有日本最大和人迹罕至的骄傲之一,就不足为奇了。 The的 关西彩虹节和游行 这项为期一周的年度活动,旨在庆祝LGBT +身份并营造一种接受,尊严和尊重的氛围。
The pride routinely garners crowds of upwards of 10,000 individuals and plays host to a range of events, parties, and workshops.这种自豪感通常会吸引60多人,并主办各种活动,派对和研讨会。 One of the most anticipated performances each year is by the Obaachan Group- a band of rapping grandmothers who are all in their XNUMXs and come out every year in support of Osaka's LGBT+ population.每年最令人期待的演出之一是Obaachan集团-一群说唱祖母乐队,他们都在XNUMX岁左右,并且每年出场以支持大阪的LGBT +人群。
Japan is often considered to be one of the most progressive countries in Asia in regards to LGBT+ rights.就LGBT +权利而言,日本通常被认为是亚洲最先进的国家之一。 Same-sex sexual activity was only criminalized for a brief 8 years between 1872 and 1880 and hostility towards homosexuality is not a part of Japanese history or culture.在XNUMX年至XNUMX年之间的短短XNUMX年间,将同性性行为定为犯罪,对同性恋的敌视也不是日本历史或文化的一部分。 Despite this, there is still no recognition of same-sex marriage in Japan, and families headed by same-sex couples are not entitled to the same benefits and legal protections as mixed-sex families.尽管如此,日本仍然没有承认同性婚姻,以同性伴侣为户主的家庭没有与混合性家庭享有相同的福利和法律保护。
2015年进行的一项民意调查发现,日本大部分人口都赞成将同性婚姻合法化。 More recent polls have also shown growing support for LGBT+ issues, particularly amongst the country's younger generations.最近的民意调查也显示出对LGBT +问题的支持越来越多,尤其是在该国的年轻一代中。 Social attitudes are becoming more liberal in Japan and the government is seemingly beginning to make advances in the right direction.在日本,社会态度变得更加开放,日本政府似乎已开始朝着正确的方向发展。
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