


Pittsburgh is known as “Steel City” due to its industrial heritage.匹兹堡因其工业遗产而被称为“钢铁之城”。 It's a liberal-minded city with a surprisingly good gay scene.这是一个思想开放的城市,同性恋场面令人惊讶。 It's also considered to be one of America's more affordable cities with low crime rates and a good standard of living.它也被认为是美国犯罪率低,生活水平高的负担得起的城市之一。

安迪·沃霍尔,杰出的酷儿艺术家,是匹兹堡最著名的儿子。 除了毕加索之外,没有其他 20 世纪艺术家拥有如此巨大的文化遗产。 安迪·沃霍尔博物馆是匹兹堡最好的文化景点之一 - 它定期举办 LGBT+ 活动。

Pittsburgh might not be one of America's top tourist destinations.匹兹堡可能不是美国最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。 That being said, it's a fabulous city with a lot to offer.话虽这么说,这是一个神话般的城市,提供了很多东西。



蓝月亮 被誉为“匹兹堡最友好的同性恋酒吧”。 它定期举办变装比赛,位于巴特勒街。 Shadyside 是我们最喜欢的匹兹堡社区之一,当然,这是 LGBT+ 居民的理想邮政编码。 谢迪赛德有几家同性恋酒吧。 这可能是匹兹堡最快乐的地区。

在Shadyside中,您还会发现 5801,这是一个在当地人中颇受欢迎的休闲同性恋酒吧。 You can eat and mingle on the terrace.您可以在露台上用餐和交流。 On the Shady side of the tracks you'll also find在轨道的阴暗面,您还会发现 元素,提供现场音乐表演的同性恋酒吧,Drag Race活动和歌舞表演之夜。 It's one of the more popular gay bars in Pittsburgh.它是匹兹堡最受欢迎的同性恋酒吧之一。



1960年代,他成为波普艺术运动的代表人物。 He grew up in Oakland, Pittsburgh.他在匹兹堡奥克兰长大。 His family were Byzantine Catholics.他的家人是拜占庭天主教徒。 Andy worshiped at the altar of celebrity, cinema, pop and commerce.安迪在名人,电影院,流行音乐和商业坛上敬拜。 He reflected American culture back to itself in legendary artworks, such a his depiction of Marilyn Monroe.他在传奇艺术品中重现了美国文化,例如对玛丽莲·梦露的描绘。 Warhol was gay and he brought a queer sensibility to his work, not least in his adoration of female stars.沃霍尔(Warhol)是同性恋,他为自己的作品带来了同情的敏感性,尤其是对女性明星的崇拜。 He also painted coke bottles and electrical cleaning products.他还涂了可乐瓶和电气清洁产品。 He was American through and through.他一直是美国人。

Pittsburgh celebrates the life and work of Andy Warhol as an extensive museum.匹兹堡庆祝安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)作为一个大型博物馆的生活和工作。 There are seven floors with films, original artworks, a huge archive, rotating exhibits and regular live events.共有七个楼层,包括电影,原始艺术品,庞大的档案馆,旋转展览和定期现场活动。 There are around 900 paintings and over 100 sculptures.大约有XNUMX幅画作和XNUMX多个雕塑。

You don't have to be an art aficionado to visit the Andy Warhol Museum.您不必是艺术迷就可以参观安迪·沃霍尔博物馆。 His work went beyond the confines of art to incorporate all aspects of culture, from Elizabeth Taylor to vacuum cleaners.他的作品超越了艺术的范畴,融合了从伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)到吸尘器等文化的各个方面。


Pittsburgh Pride takes place every June or July.匹兹堡骄傲节每年六月或七月举行。 It's the biggest gay Pride event in Pennsylvania.这是宾夕法尼亚州最大的同性恋骄傲活动。 The event has grown every year.该事件每年都在增长。 It's taken place in July more recently to avoid clashing with other major Pride events.为了避免与其他重要的《傲慢》活动发生冲突,该活动于最近的2019月举行。 Pittsburgh Pride 250,000 attracted over XNUMX people, making it the biggest parade in Pittsburgh.匹兹堡骄傲节XNUMX吸引了XNUMX万多人,成为匹兹堡最大的游行。


这条令人眼花缭乱的铁路于 1877 年开通。它的设计目的是将工人从山坡上的家运送到工厂。 一些丘陵铁路路线仍在运营。 如果您在匹兹堡,乘车游览真是太好了。 尤其是因为它是维多利亚风格的——它还可以欣赏到城市的全景。 工人们可能在艰苦的条件下工作,工资微薄,但至少他们有一种活跃的方式去工作。


One of Pittsburgh's hippest areas, the Strip District is packed with restaurants, boutiques and international markets.匹兹堡最时髦的地区之一,加沙地带挤满了餐馆,精品店和国际市场。 This is a good place to visit in the morning or afternoon.这是早上或下午游览的好地方。 It's good to get there earlier as some of the vendors stop serving by mid-afternoon.最好早点到达,因为一些供应商会在午后停止服务。 The Strip District is a good thing to do in Pittsburgh before you hit the bars in the evening.在晚上到酒吧前,拉斯维加斯地区是匹兹堡的一件好事。

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