San Diego


圣地亚哥拥有大量LGBT +社区

The birthplace of California and the home of the surfer dude.加利福尼亚的出生地和冲浪者花花公子的故乡。 San Diego is a coastal city that is renowned for its laid-back atmosphere, stunning ocean views and glittering glass skyline.圣地亚哥是一个沿海城市,以其悠闲的氛围,壮丽的海景和闪闪发光的玻璃天际线而闻名。 An economic hub for the state, the city has experienced a vast amount of development and regeneration that has transformed it into a sleek and cosmopolitan destination.作为该州的经济中心,这座城市经历了大量的开发和更新,已将其转变为一个时尚而国际化的目的地。

圣地亚哥是美国第八大城市,因其全年温暖的气候、健康的当地经济和海滨位置而经常被称为“美国最好的城市”。 然而,众多较小的社区和地区都有自己独特的氛围,无论您走到哪里,都可以感受到轻松的氛围。

很像它的加利福尼亚邻居 旧金山洛杉矶, San Diego is a welcoming and inclusive city for LGBT+ individuals and as such there are gay clubs, bars and hotels scattered throughout its streets.圣地亚哥是LGBT +个人欢迎和包容的城市,因此,遍布其街道的同性恋俱乐部,酒吧和酒店也是如此。 However, the epicentre of gay culture is the Hillcrest Neighbourhood, an area best known for its thriving gay nightlife scene, quirky boutique shops, vintage stores and independent cafes.然而,同性恋文化的中心地带是希尔克雷斯特社区,该地区以同性恋夜生活活跃,古怪的精品店,古董店和独立咖啡馆而闻名。

San Diego


圣地亚哥的同性恋区是一个多元化且奇特的地区,类似于旧金山的海特阿什伯里、伦敦的卡姆登和纽约的苏豪区的时尚区。 该地区熙熙攘攘,挤满了衣着考究的当地人和游客。 该地区是该市一些最令人兴奋的美食体验的所在地,这里有著名的 Solare 餐厅,这是一家美食和实验性的意大利餐厅。 这里有许多酒吧和夜店可供探索,其中包括#1 Fifth Avenue,这是这座城市同性恋场景的标志性建筑,以其受欢迎的主题之夜和特别活动而闻名。 这是一个高档化的社区,并以宽容而自豪。 Hillcrest 也是圣地亚哥大多数骄傲庆祝活动的举办地,这些庆祝活动每年夏天都会举行,重点关注社区内的多样性。

Just south of Hillcrest is Balboa Park, the largest urban cultural park in the USA and a hub of activity in the city.在希尔克雷斯特(Hillcrest)的南面是巴尔博亚公园(Balboa Park),它是美国最大的城市文化公园,也是该城市的活动中心。 There's always something happening in the park, from street performers and live music to art exhibitions and gay pride events, the area is a dynamic and exciting place.公园中总是发生着各种事情,从街头表演者,现场音乐表演到艺术展览和同性恋骄傲活动,该地区是一个充满活力和令人兴奋的地方。


圣地亚哥的夜生活场所普遍蓬勃发展,其同性恋选择也不例外。 整个城市,尤其是 Hillcrest 社区,都可以找到各种各样的同性恋场所。 在这里,俱乐部和酒吧位置便利,彼此靠近,这意味着您在访问期间可以轻松品尝到最好的产品。

在圣地亚哥折衷主义的同性恋社区中,这是一个倍受珍爱的珍贵场所, 轻弹的 bar was one of the country's first gay video bars and has been welcoming guests since 1983. The bar boasts a popular karaoke lounge and even an outside patio, where you can enjoy a refreshing drink as you people-watch.酒吧是该国最早的同性恋视频酒吧之一,自XNUMX年以来就开始接待客人。酒吧设有一个受欢迎的卡拉OK休息室,甚至还有一个户外露台,您可以在这里观看人们欣赏的清凉饮料。 A number of events take place at Flick's throughout the week, including underwear contests, karaoke nights and student nights.整个星期Flick's都会举办许多活动,包括内衣比赛,卡拉OK晚会和学生之夜。

位于希尔克雷斯特社区跳动的心脏地带, 里奇的 Rich's是当地的同性恋文化机构,居民DJ会在凌晨开始播放混音和EDM歌曲。 The club also features a large dancefloor that is typically popular with the city's younger gay population.该俱乐部还设有一个大型舞池,通常受到该市年轻的同性恋人群的欢迎。

如果说有什么可以概括 Hillcrest 的时尚氛围的话,那就是 希尔克雷斯特酿造公司,一家独立的LGBT +酿造公司,生产美味的啤酒和啤酒,并拥有活泼的气氛。 The brewery is a popular and laid-back hangout for gay locals and travelers and the company often holds special events with the proceedings going to LGBT+ charities.啤酒厂是同性恋本地人和旅行者的一种流行而悠闲的聚会场所,该公司经常举办特别活动,诉讼程序将交给LGBT +慈善机构。




如果您在屋顶游泳池旁放松并在圣地亚哥落日时喝一杯鸡尾酒听起来像是一个美好的夜晚,那么别无所求 索拉玛酒店。 Located in the centre of the city's Gaslamp district, an area known for its world-class restaurants and bars, guests can take full advantage of the daily free wine tasting sessions, rooftop lounge and fitness centre.位于城市加斯兰普(Gaslamp)区的中心,该地区以其世界一流的餐厅和酒吧而闻名,客人可以充分利用每日的免费品酒会,屋顶休息室和健身中心。 The rooms are fitted with 50” flat-screen TVs and a range of in-room spa experiences are available.客房配有XNUMX英寸平面电视,并提供各种室内水疗体验。

距城市迷人的海滨仅几步之遥 圣地亚哥湾使馆套房酒店 boasts a number of elegant and modern suites that each include a living room, work area, bedroom and en-suite.拥有许多优雅而现代的套房,每间套房均设有客厅,办公区,卧室和套间。 The hotel is perfect if you're after a spacious and comfortable stay close to many of the city's most popular sights and attractions, including the Seaport Village.如果您想在宽敞舒适的住宿环境中住宿,那么它不愧为完美之选,它靠近该市许多最受欢迎的景点和景点,包括海港村。 The stunning indoor pool brings the outside in with its floor to ceiling windows.令人惊叹的室内游泳池将落地窗带到室外。

魅力和古怪贯穿 索非亚酒店,这是一家当代精品酒店,在同性恋旅行者中很受欢迎。 The hotel is home to an up-market restaurant that serves fresh seafood and produce from the San Diego area and functions as a lively bar as the night goes on.该酒店是一家高档餐厅的所在地,该餐厅供应新鲜的海鲜和圣地亚哥地区的食材,并在夜幕降临时充当活跃的酒吧。 The Sofia Hotel is the perfect base from which to explore downtown San Diego.索非亚酒店是探索圣地亚哥市中心的理想基地。

San Diego


Formed in 1974, San Diego's first pride was a celebration of the anniversary of the Stonewall riots that catalysed the modern LGBT+ rights movement in the USA.圣地亚哥成立于250,000年,其第一个骄傲是庆祝斯通沃尔暴动周年纪念日,该暴动推动了美国现代LGBT +权利运动的发展。 The pride celebrations in the city are some of the largest in the USA and take place over a three day period of events, performances and parties every June.这座城市的骄傲庆典是美国最大的庆祝活动,每年的六月举行为期三天的活动,表演和聚会。 The events are centred around Balboa Park and routinely attract over XNUMX attendees.这些活动围绕巴尔博亚公园(Balboa Park)进行,通常吸引超过XNUMX万名与会者。 One of the highlights of the city's pride celebrations is the Hillcrest Block Party, where thousands of LGBT+ individuals and allies fill the streets of Hillcrest in solidarity with one another before a night of heavy partying.希尔克雷斯特街区聚会是该城市骄傲庆典的亮点之一,成千上万的LGBT +个人和盟友在希尔克雷斯特的街道上互相声援,然后经过一整夜的狂欢。


California is one of the most liberal states in America and the rights and protections afforded to LGBT+ people here reflect this social acceptance.加州是美国最自由的州之一,这里向LGBT +人民提供的权利和保护反映了这种社会认可。 Same-Sex marriage was legalised in 2013 and civil partnerships have been legal since 1999. LGBT+ people in California also enjoy a number of legislative bills that protect them from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.自XNUMX年以来,同性婚姻合法化,自XNUMX年以来,民事伴侣关系就合法化了。加州的LGBT +人还享有许多立法法案,可以保护他们免受基于性取向或性别认同的歧视。

There are numerous LGBT+ advocacy and support groups in San Diego including the San Diego LGBT+ Community Centre and the San Diego ACLU.圣地亚哥有许多LGBT +倡导和支持团体,包括圣地亚哥LGBT +社区中心和圣地亚哥ACLU。 These organisations work to protect the rights and freedoms of local LGBT+ individuals and will also help gay travelers who encounter difficulties and prejudice as a result of their sexuality.这些组织致力于保护当地LGBT +个人的权利和自由,还将帮助因性生活而遇到困难和成见的同性恋旅行者。

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