If you've ever visited Portugal you will have undoubtedly heard the distinctive string music drifting from the doorways of bars, cafes, and restaurants.如果您曾经访问过葡萄牙,那么您无疑会听到酒吧,咖啡厅和餐馆门口散发出的独特弦乐。 These melancholic and mournful sounds are that of Fado, Portugal's national genre of music.这些忧郁而悲哀的声音是葡萄牙民族音乐风格的法多的声音。
法多演唱风格于1820年代在葡萄牙兴起,以女歌手为主的表现力而闻名,她们经常歌唱日常生活的挣扎、心碎和欲望。 据说,用葡萄牙语“Saudade”来形容法朵最为贴切,意为渴望和失落。
Fado music tends to fall into one of two styles: Lisbon and Coimbra.法多音乐倾向于落入两种风格之一:里斯本和科英布拉。 Each form originated in its namesake city and can be distinguished through the structures and traditions of the music.每种形式都起源于其同名城市,并且可以通过音乐的结构和传统加以区分。 Lisbon Fado bloomed from experiences of marginalization and transgressions faced by the creators of early Fado musicians, who would often play in establishments popular with the outcasts of society such as sailors and prostitutes.里斯本法多的诞生源于法多早期音乐家的创作者所面临的边缘化和过犯经历,他们经常在水手和妓女等受社会排斥的场所中演出。
几个世纪以来,法朵一直是葡萄牙最受欢迎的音乐流派之一,但在 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代以及最近随着麦当娜 (Madonna) 等专辑的发行,在全球取得了成功 杜莎夫人X,从她搬迁到里斯本汲取了灵感。
Before heading out to sample Lisbon's Fado first hand, take some time to learn about the genre's fascinating history at the Museu do Fado.在前往第一手品尝里斯本的Fado之前,请花一些时间在Museu do Fado博物馆中了解该流派的迷人历史。 The museum is entirely dedicated to Lisbon's thriving Fado culture and works with the intention of showcasing the symbolic and cultural significance of Fado music.该博物馆完全致力于里斯本蓬勃发展的法朵文化,并旨在展示法朵音乐的象征性和文化意义。
The Museu do Fado features a range of permanent and rotating exhibitions as well as performance spaces that often play host to local Fado artists and bands.法朵博物馆(Museu do Fado)设有一系列永久性和轮换性展览,以及经常接待当地法朵(Fado)艺术家和乐队的表演空间。 Museum visitors can also take guitar workshops where the basics of creating Fado sound is taught.博物馆参观者还可以参加吉他讲习班,在那里教授制作Fado声音的基本知识。
It's worthwhile checking upcoming events at the museum as there are often concerts, demonstrations, and presentations that can be booked in advance.值得一看的博物馆即将举行的活动,因为经常有音乐会,演示和演讲可以提前预订。 Museu do Fado has hosted some of the world's finest Fado singers including Carlos do Carmo and Maria Teresa de Noronha.法朵博物馆(Museu do Fado)接待了世界上最好的法朵歌手,包括卡洛斯·杜卡莫(Carlos do Carmo)和玛丽亚·特雷莎·德·诺罗尼亚(Maria Teresa de Noronha)。
Mesa de Frades之所以如此与众不同,是因为其混杂的艺术家阵容,包括Fado传奇人物和新兴的本地表演者。 The artists walk between tables during sets, giving guests an absolutely personal experience.演出期间,艺术家们在桌子之间行走,为客人带来绝对的个人体验。 Mesa de Frades is beautiful.梅萨·德·弗雷德斯(Mesa de Frades)美丽。
虽然 Club de Fado 是一个更昂贵的选择,但它是里斯本最受欢迎的餐厅,而且餐厅的法多表演和食物标准很快就证明了高价位是合理的。 自 1995 年开业以来,Club de Fado 一直不断邀请该市最优秀的 Fado 歌手进行表演。 距离令人惊叹的里斯本大教堂仅数英尺,餐厅的拱形天花板和厚重的内部柱子中可以看到建筑灵感。 Club de Fado 的中心位置使其成为结束一天探索里斯本景点的理想场所。
For the most authentic and unadulterated experience of Fado visit, Tasca do Jaime.对于Fado的最真实,最纯朴的体验,塔斯卡·杜海姆(Tasca do Jaime)。 Less polished than the other choices but often featuring the best Fado vocals in Lisbon, the bar is a raw interpretation of what Fado means to the people of Lisbon, and with only 24 seats guests can be sure that an evening at Tasco do Jaime will be a memorable one.酒吧没有其他选择那么精致,但通常以里斯本最好的Fado人声为特色,是对Fado对里斯本人民的意义的原始诠释,只有XNUMX个座位的客人可以确定,Tasco do Jaime的夜晚将是一个令人难忘的。
对于希望更深入地探索法多文化的旅行者,有许多由当地人经营的徒步旅行团,提供一系列量身定制的体验。 许多旅行都在阿尔法玛-里斯本最陡峭和最古老的地区进行,以及该市许多最受欢迎的法多场所的所在地。 阿尔法玛迷人而私密,是享受法多的完美场所。
One of the most popular tours and one that is guaranteed to provide an idyllic taste of Fado culture is the Lisbon Sunset Small-Group Walking Tour.里斯本日落小团体徒步旅行是最受欢迎的旅行之一,并且可以保证提供法多文化的田园风情。 Travelers are promised breathtaking panoramic views across Lisbon before sampling local food and drink and finally enjoying a live Fado performance.旅客有望在整个里斯本欣赏到令人惊叹的全景,然后品尝当地美食和美酒,最后欣赏现场Fado表演。 The groups are limited to 12 people, which makes this tour one of the city's most personal.团体最多可容纳XNUMX人,这使这次旅行成为该市最个性化的旅行之一。
Other walking tour experiences offer visitors to Lisbon the chance to be immersed in Fado culture with Fado signing guides, wine tasting, and Fado classes.其他徒步旅行体验为来里斯本的游客提供了通过Fado签名指南,品酒会和Fado课程沉浸在Fado文化中的机会。 There really is a true Fado experience for any traveler.对于任何旅客来说,确实有真正的法朵体验。
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