Key West is one of the best destinations in Florida for art and culture.基韦斯特(Key West)是佛罗里达州艺术与文化的最佳目的地之一。 It's long been a big draw for writers and artists.长期以来,它一直是作家和艺术家的一大吸引力。 Key West is the ultimate American writer's retreat.基韦斯特是美国作家的终极选择。
The island experienced economic challenges after the Great Depression.大萧条后,该岛经历了经济挑战。 It's one of America's most remote locations, after all.毕竟,这是美国最偏远的地区之一。 As a result, Key West was promoted as a cultural destination.结果,基韦斯特岛被提升为文化胜地。 The campaign worked.该活动奏效。 It's been sustained by tourism and culture ever since.从那时起,旅游和文化一直保持着这种状态。 Key West is also something of a基韦斯特也是一个 派对目的地,所以你会发现晚上不乏可去的地方。 这是我们的基韦斯特文化指南。
Ernest Hemingway is one of the great American writers.欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)是美国最伟大的作家之一。 He had numerous spiritual homes.他有无数的精神家园。 One of them was Key West.基韦斯特就是其中之一。 He had a home on the island and wrote some of his masterpieces there.他在岛上有个家,并在那里写了一些杰作。 He's the only writer who could make a novel about fishing readable.他是唯一可以使关于钓鱼的小说可读的作家。
You'll find his former home in the heart of Old Town Key West.您会在基韦斯特老城中心找到他的故居。 He spent ten fruitful years at the property.他在这家酒店住了十多年。 Considering his battles later in life, it would seem that the peaceful setting of Key West was important for his creative output.考虑到他晚年的战斗,基韦斯特的和平氛围似乎对他的创造力很重要。 Over 40 cats live at the property and most them are descended from Hemingway's cats.该酒店住着XNUMX多只猫,其中大多数是海明威的猫的后代。 It's worth joining a guided tour for an insight into Hemingway's impact on Key West's cultural history.值得一游,参加导游,以了解海明威对基韦斯特文化历史的影响。
Another of America's literary giants, Tennessee Williams was a queer playwright who fell in love with Key West.田纳西·威廉姆斯(Tennessee Williams)是美国另一位文学巨匠,是一位酷爱剧作家,爱上了基韦斯特(Key West)。 His spent thirty-four years on the island at 1431 Duncan Street.他在岛上的邓肯街XNUMX号度过了XNUMX年。 It's just a few minutes walk from the Hemingway property.距海明威(Hemingway)物业仅数分钟步行路程。 That's two of America's major cultural figures on the same street!那是同一条街上的两个美国主要文化人物!
据说威廉姆斯在1947年住在岛上的一家旅馆时写了《欲望号街车》(Street Car Named Desire)。在自由主义时期,基韦斯特本来是同性恋作家的一个更受欢迎的地方。
The presence of these two writers really put Key West and the Florida Keys on the map as cultural destinations.两位作家的到来确实将基韦斯特岛和佛罗里达礁岛礁作为文化目的地。 Be sure to visit the Tennessee Williams Museum and see his home preserved as it was when he lived there.一定要参观田纳西·威廉姆斯博物馆,看看他的住所保持原样。
1985年,他终于有了伟大的发现。 He found Nuestra Señora de Atocha, a Spanish galleon that sunk in 1622. There was $450 million of treasure on the ship.他找到了XNUMX年沉没的西班牙帆船NuestraSeñorade Atocha。这艘船上有XNUMX亿美元的财宝。
NuestraSeñorade Atocha被誉为有史以来最昂贵的沉船事件。 His motto turned out to be more than hopeful.事实证明,他的座右铭充满了希望。 What a day it must have been when he finally discovered his treasure.当他终于发现自己的宝藏时,一定是一天。
You can see some of the artefacts he salvaged from the Nuestra Señora de Atocha at the Mel Fisher Museum.您可以在梅尔·费舍尔博物馆(Mel Fisher Museum)看到他从阿托查教堂(NuestraSeñorade Atocha)打捞的一些文物。 The museum contains many more great find from notable shipwrecks.博物馆内有许多来自重大沉船的重大发现。
America is a country of immigrants.美国是一个移民国家。 Florida has long been a melting pot of different cultures.佛罗里达长期以来一直是不同文化的大熔炉。 Floribbean cuisine combines Asian and Caribbean elements.佛罗里达美食融合了亚洲和加勒比海元素。 The food tends to be very fresh, healthy and a little spicy.食物往往非常新鲜,健康和有点辛辣。 Seafood dishes are especially popular.海鲜菜特别受欢迎。 Many restaurants in Key West serve Floribbean infusion cuisine.西屿(Key West)的许多餐厅都提供佛罗里达注入式美食。 Be sure to try it as it's very flavoursome and very particular to the Florida Keys.一定要尝试一下,因为它非常美味,而且对佛罗里达礁岛群非常独特。
The Floribbean influence can also be seen in Key West's architecture.在基韦斯特的建筑中也可以看到佛罗里达的影响。 Conch Houses emerged in the 19th-century as a result of Caribbean immigration.由于加勒比海地区的移民,海螺房屋出现在XNUMX世纪。 The Conch style brings a distinctive Bahamian influence with a Floridian twist.海螺风格带来独特的巴哈马风情,融合佛罗里达风情。
Key West colors are seaside-inspired.基韦斯特岛的颜色是海边的灵感。 They tend to be warm and playful.他们倾向于温暖和嬉戏。 Expect lemony yellows, salmon pink and creamy whites.期待柠檬黄色,鲑鱼粉红和乳白色。 Key West architecture is full of charm.西屿建筑充满魅力。 Modern cottages often come with wraparound veranda and latticework.现代小屋通常配有环绕式阳台和格子。 Part of the appeal of staying in Key West is waking up surrounded by sunlight and colour.住在基韦斯特的吸引力之一就是在阳光和色彩的包围下醒来。 阅读更多: 基韦斯特同性恋指南.
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