


    伦敦是一个不断发展壮大的城市。 绅士化和发展对这座城市的人口构成了许多威胁,但也有助于创建令人兴奋和热闹的社区。

    London is a melting pot of cultures and backgrounds, with individuals from all around the world settling in the city.伦敦是文化和背景的大熔炉,来自世界各地的人们都在伦敦定居。 There are 250 languages spoken in London, making it the world's most linguistically diverse city.伦敦有XNUMX种语言,使之成为世界上语言上最多样化的城市。

    The city is a collection of distinct boroughs, areas and neighborhoods, each with their own unique atmosphere and community and each offering completely different experiences.这个城市是不同的行政区,地区和街区的集合,每个区都有自己独特的氛围和社区,并且每个区都提供完全不同的体验。 From quirky Camden to London's LGBT+ centre Soho, there truly is somewhere and something for everyone in the UK capital.从古怪的卡姆登(Camden)到伦敦的LGBT +中心苏活区(Soho),对于英国首都的每个人来说,确实有处处处可见。 了解更多: 伦敦最好的同性恋友好酒店





    Located in the heart of the West End and occupying 90 streets over one square mile.位于西区的中心,在一平方英里内占据XNUMX条街道。 The nightlife capital of London, Soho's streets are lined with bars, nightclubs and theatres.伦敦夜生活之都,苏活区的街道两旁遍布着酒吧,夜总会和剧院。 In the summer evenings, the streets are packed with revelers enjoying the plethora of evening venues.在夏季的夜晚,街道上到处都是狂欢者,享受着众多的晚会场所。 Soho was once London's red-light district and represented the seedy underbelly of the city.苏活区曾经是伦敦的红灯区,并代表着这座城市肮脏的肋骨。 However, the area is now home to a range of stylish boutiques, high-end bars and high-brow galleries, despite this Soho has maintained its identity as a bastion of sexual liberation and rebellion.然而,尽管苏活区保持了其作为性解放和叛乱堡垒的身份,但该地区现在拥有一系列时尚精品店,高档酒吧和高档画廊。

    自20世纪末以来,苏活区(Soho)也是伦敦LGBT +文化和社区的故乡,其许多最受欢迎的同性恋酒吧和俱乐部都位于老康普顿街(Old Compton Street)附近。 G-A-Y 巴 is arguably London's most well-known gay bar and is popular with the area's younger crowd who enjoy the cheap cocktails and pop classics.可以说是伦敦最著名的同性恋酒吧,并受到该地区年轻人的欢迎,他们喜欢廉价的鸡尾酒和流行经典音乐。 Meanwhile history can be found at the同时,历史可以在 邓肯海军上将,该网站报道了伦敦同性恋社区发生的悲惨钉子炸弹袭击事件。 标志性的 Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club 也位于时尚的 Soho 区,自 1959 年以来,迎来了 Nina Simone、Ella Fitzgerald、Jimmi Hendrix 和 Prince 等名人。 游客仍然可以在这个历史悠久的场所观看夜间表演。

    尽管Soho可能以更昂贵,更高档的氛围取代了曾经以其闻名的波西米亚风,但该地区仍然是伦敦的夜生活中心,并继续代表着其一向以之闻名的夜生活文化。 阅读更多: 苏活区最好的同性恋酒吧.




    Dalston really began to boom in the early 2010s after the hipsters of Shoreditch grew tired of their increasingly mainstream neighborhood and decided to move and invest into up and coming Dalston.肖尔迪奇(Shoreditch)的潮人对逐渐成为主流的社区感到厌倦,并决定搬迁并投资于即将到来的达斯通(Dalston)之后,达斯通(Dalston)确实在100年代初期开始繁荣起来。 However, the area has a long history as a popular destination for immigrants which stretches over XNUMX years.但是,该地区作为移民的热门目的地历史悠久,已有XNUMX多年的历史。 As such, Dalston has a rich and mixed cultural heritage that is embodied through the diverse range of cafes, bars, shops and restaurants that populate the area today.因此,达尔斯顿(Dalston)具有丰富而多元的文化底蕴,如今遍布该地区的咖啡馆,酒吧,商店和餐馆的种类繁多。

    The area boasts one of the most impressive food and dining scenes in London, with restaurants replacing closed down bars and nightclubs regularly.该地区拥有伦敦最令人印象深刻的美食和餐饮场所之一,餐厅定期更换关闭的酒吧和夜总会。 Dalston is home to some of the best Turkish Restaurants in London as well as a range of trendy cafes and wine bars.达斯顿(Dalston)是伦敦一些最好的土耳其餐厅以及各种时尚咖啡馆和酒吧的所在地。 Angelina is a typical Dalston restaurant, combing Japanese and Italian cuisines and is popular with the hipsters of the area who flock through the doors to sample the five-course tasting menu.安吉丽娜(Angelina)是达尔斯通(Dalston)典型的餐厅,融合了日式和意大利美食,并受到该地区赶时髦的人的欢迎,他们涌入大门品尝五道菜的品尝菜单。

    该社区也是许多同性恋俱乐部和酒吧的所在地,几十年来一直是更激进和颠覆性LGBT +文化的枢纽。 达斯顿超市 is an LGBT+ space in the heart of Dalston that functions as a cafe, bar and club.是位于Dalston中心的LGBT +空间,可作为咖啡馆,酒吧和俱乐部。 The Superstore is a staple of the gay nightlife scene in the area, which is lively and well known.超级市场是该地区同性恋夜生活场景的重要组成部分,这是活跃且众所周知的。





    Immortalised as the home of punk, Amy Winehouse and UK goth culture, Camden is an area of London deeply enshrined in cultural significance.卡姆登(Camden)被誉为朋克,艾米怀恩豪斯(Amy Winehouse)和英国哥特文化的故乡,在伦敦深具文化意义。 Since the 19th century, Camden has been a focal point of London's music industry, when it was the main location for piano manufacturers and sellers.自1970世纪以来,卡姆登一直是伦敦音乐产业的焦点,当时它是钢琴制造商和销售商的主要所在地。 It later went on the be the birthplace of the British Punk movement in the XNUMXs, following an iconic gig by the Ramones at the Roundhouse.后来,在拉姆纳斯(Ramones)在圆屋(Roundhouse)举行的标志性演出之后,它成为XNUMX年代英国朋克运动的发源地。 Then, later on, the area became known as the stomping grounds of Amy Winehouse, a regular at the neighborhood's pubs and a resident of Camden Square.后来,该地区被称为艾米·怀恩豪斯(Amy Winehouse)的踩脚地,是该地区酒吧的常客,也是卡姆登广场(Camden Square)的居民。

    The neighborhood has experienced almost constant increases in property prices and as such the area is now the location of some of London's most expensive houses.该社区的房地产价格几乎持续上涨,因此该地区现在是伦敦一些最昂贵房屋的所在地。 This change can be seen in the streets of Camden thanks to the arrival of more upmarket shops and restaurants in recent years.近年来,随着更多高档商店和餐馆的到来,在卡姆登(Camden)的街道上可以看到这种变化。

    Camden is one of London's most eclectic and diverse shopping districts, and its namesake Camden Market is a treasure trove of eccentricities from clothes and accessories to vintage records and artworks.卡姆登(Camden)是伦敦最折衷和多样化的购物区之一,其同名的卡姆登市场(Camden Market)是古怪的宝库,从衣服和配饰到古董唱片和艺术品。 The area is still home to many of the legendary music venues that led to its identity as the capitals music centre including the Roundhouse, Electric Ballroom and Underworld.该地区仍然是许多传奇音乐场所的所在地,这些场所使它成为首都的音乐中心,包括圆形大厅,电动舞厅和地下世界。




    Once a hub of shipping and manufacturing in the capital, today Bermondsey is a lively and vibrant neighbourhood full of art, culture and life.伯蒙德西曾经是首都的运输和制造业中心,如今已成为一个充满艺术,文化和生活的充满生机和活力的社区。 The area has seen a rapid and dramatic regeneration in recent years that has successfully increased investment and development.近年来,该地区出现了快速而戏剧性的复兴,成功地增加了投资和开发。

    在维多利亚时代,伯蒙西的大部分地区都是贫民窟,生活水平是伦敦最低的。 事实上,查尔斯·狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》中也曾描写过该地区,作者将柏蒙西描绘成一个犯罪猖獗的贫民窟。

    伦敦许多最知名的文化地标都位于伯蒙德西,包括白立方画廊和时尚与纺织博物馆。 该地区的主干道是 Bermondsey 街,这里遍布着熙熙攘攘、不拘一格的咖啡馆、商店和酒吧,迎合了年轻时尚的人群。 您还可以在附近找到伦敦桥旁的碎片大厦 (Shard),周末您应该去看看莫尔特比街市场 (Maltby Street Market)。




    大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)壁画的布里克斯顿

    Brixton is located in the center of South London and is a hub of culture, clubbing and community.布里克斯顿(Brixton)位于伦敦南部的中心,是文化,俱乐部和社区的中心。 Brixton is the birthplace of the legend David Bowie and the area still holds memories of the Ziggy Stardust singer with a large mural in tribute to him.布里克斯顿(Brixton)是传奇人物大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)的发源地,该地区至今仍保存着齐吉·星尘(Ziggy Stardust)歌手的记忆,并以大型壁画向他致敬。

    The area has been shaped by its population and today it's an exciting mix of Caribbean culture with hipster influences.该地区人口众多,如今已成为加勒比海文化与时髦影响力的完美融合。 The streets of Brixton are decorated with graffiti and the smells of cooking waft out of open restaurant doors while buskers play their instruments.布里克斯顿的街道上装饰着涂鸦,开门的餐馆门外散发出烹饪的气味,而街头艺人则弹奏乐器。 Saturday is when the neighborhood is at its most alive, with its impressive market and bustling atmosphere.星期六是邻里最活跃的地方,其令人印象深刻的市场和熙熙atmosphere的气氛。 Head to Brixton Village for a great brunch.前往布里克斯顿村享用早午餐。

    Every year in June, Brixton is also home to the Brixton Disco Festival, a celebration of disco and its similar genres.每年六月,布里克斯顿还是布里克斯顿迪斯科音乐节的举办地,该节日是迪斯科及其类似流派的庆祝活动。 The festival takes place in Windrush Square, a central location to the neighborhood and one that celebrates and memorialises the courageous individuals who traveled on the HMT Windrush, the first ship to bring post-war workers to the United Kingdom from Jamaica.节日在附近城市中心的Windrush广场举行,庆祝和纪念那些乘坐HMT Windrush勇往直前的人,这是第一艘将战后工人从牙买加带到英国的船。

    Brixton is also home to some of London's most exciting clubs and bars.布里克斯顿还是伦敦一些最令人兴奋的俱乐部和酒吧的所在地。 The Prince of Wales is a multi-storied club and bar in the heart of Brixton and boasts one of the best bar terraces in London.威尔士亲王是位于布里克斯顿中心的多层俱乐部和酒吧,并拥有伦敦最好的酒吧露台之一。 The club plays host to the world's top DJs and selectors such as Giles Peterson and Norman Jay and is a true reflection of the grass-roots community atmosphere that Brixton is so known for.该俱乐部接待着世界顶级DJ和选择者,例如Giles Peterson和Norman Jay,并且真实地反映了布里克斯顿众所周知的基层社区氛围。

    阅读更多: 伦敦的 LGBT 地标.

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