


    伊维萨岛因举办派对和在阳光下放松而闻名于世。 每年,超过 80 万游客来到这个小岛,迷人的海滩是其中的一个重要原因。 伊维萨岛拥有 XNUMX 多个海滩,是欧洲最受欢迎的海滩目的地之一。

    伊维萨岛上的海滩 are unanimously scenic and gorgeous, the warm Mediterranean waters and intense Spanish sun make the beaches here some of the best in the world.风景优美,风景如画,温暖的地中海水域和强烈的西班牙阳光使这里的海滩成为世界上最好的海滩。 Every beach along the coast is different, and whether you're looking for limitless cruising and all-night parties or quiet coves of relaxation, you're guaranteed to find the ideal location on this sun-soaked island.沿海的每个海滩都不相同,无论您是寻找无限的巡游和通宵聚会还是安静的放松之地,都可以确保在这个阳光普照的小岛上找到理想的位置。



    Playa Es Cavallet:Playa Es Cavellet是伊维萨岛同性恋场景的重镇,被从伊维萨镇的喧嚣中移走,并提供一定的放松。 The beach is home to海滩是 Chiringay - 一家全天营业的餐厅,其顾客几乎都是同性恋,可以说是岛上同性恋当地人和游客最受欢迎的聚会场所。 Es Cavallet 幅员辽阔,周边地区崎岖不平,增添了魅力。

    Playa Es Cavallet坐落在人迹罕至的地方,距停车场步行约20分钟,但是,当您看到绵延的白色沙滩和滚滚的彩虹旗时,值得步行。 The dunes behind the beach are also a popular cruising destination.海滩后面的沙丘也是一个受欢迎的巡游目的地。


    萨卡莱塔:萨卡莱塔海滩拥有引人注目的海岸线和清澈见底的海水,无疑是伊维萨岛最美丽、最独特的地点之一。 崎岖的海滩是当地人的最爱,为远离岛上喧嚣的地方提供了一个宁静的度假胜地。 然而,吸引大多数同性恋旅行者的并不是这里的轻松氛围——海滩完全是不穿衣服的。

    You will immediately notice the nude bodies dotted along the small rocks of Sa Caleta beach and the clothing-optional policy is the beach's most popular feature.您会立即注意到,在萨卡莱塔(Sa Caleta)海滩的小石块上点缀着裸露的身体,而可选穿衣服的政策是该海滩最受欢迎的功能。 The horseshoe-shaped coves that make up this stretch of coastline provide ample privacy and seclusion in which to unashamedly sunbathe and the water is easily accessible.构成这条海岸线的马蹄形小海湾提供了充裕的私密性和隐蔽性,您可以在其中毫不羞愧地享受日光浴,并且容易获得水。 The local restaurants are known across Ibiza for their mouth-watering seafood dishes.伊维萨岛各地的当地餐馆以其令人垂涎的海鲜菜肴而闻名。


    卡拉德霍特:若想欣赏拱形海湾和 400 米高的 El Vedra 岩石岛的壮丽景色,请前往 Cala D'Hort 海滩。 这个小海滩是伊维萨岛海岸线上最原始、自然最美丽的地区之一。 海水平静清澈,轻轻拍打着温暖的沙滩。 Cala D'Hort 海滩不大,但很受欢迎,因此请务必早点到达,以确保获得最佳观赏点。

    The clear water here means that snorkelling is a popular activity and equipment can be either hired or bought from a number of stores along the seafront.这里清澈的海水意味着浮潜是一种流行的活动,可以从沿海岸的许多商店租用或购买设备。 Just behind the beach is a cluster of small bars serving drinks and tapas, the atmosphere here is incredible and at night some of the tiny venues slowly morph into lively and vibrant spots.在海滩的后面是一堆小酒吧,供应饮料和小吃,这里的气氛令人难以置信,到了晚上,一些小场所逐渐变成了生机盎然的地方。



    Es Cavallet沙丘:就在 普拉亚埃斯卡瓦莱特 and renowned throughout Ibiza's gay scene, the Es Cavallet Dunes are the island's most popular cruising destination and offer an expanse of wilderness to explore.埃斯卡瓦莱特沙丘(Es Cavallet Dunes)在伊维萨岛(Ibiza)的同性恋活动中享有盛誉,是该岛最受欢迎的巡游目的地,并提供广阔的旷野可供探索。 The dunes are particular alive in the evening when the rolling sands are invaded by local and visiting gay guys.傍晚时分,当沙丘被当地和来访的同性恋者入侵时,沙丘特别活跃。

    Located near Chiringay, the dunes are part of the Es Cavallet gay area that is a popular hangout for the island's LGBT+ community.这些沙丘位于Chiringay附近,是Es Cavallet同性恋地区的一部分,该地区是该岛LGBT +社区的热门聚会场所。 The dunes end close to the waters edge in places and are a fascinating and beautiful environment in their own right.沙丘在某些地方靠近水域边缘,本身就是一个迷人而美丽的环境。


    拉斯萨利纳斯:Las Salinas海滩是伊维萨(Ibizan)魅力的缩影,位于该岛的南端,被保护在一个自然保护区中。 The crystal clear blue waters that gently lap onto the sand here have made Las Salinas one of the most sought after beaches on Ibiza for decades.水晶般清澈的蓝色海水轻轻地落在这里的沙滩上,使Las Salinas成为数十年来伊维萨岛最受欢迎的海滩之一。 The beach has long been associated with the island's cool and trendsetting crowd and the lively house beats that flow out of the many clubs that occupy its length.长期以来,海滩一直与岛上凉爽且引领潮流的人群相关联,充满活力的房屋节奏从占据其整个长度的众多俱乐部中流淌出来。

    The south-facing nature of Las Salinas means that you can enjoy all that the beach has to offer from sunrise till sundown.拉斯萨利纳斯(Las Salinas)朝南,这意味着您可以享受从日出到日落海滩所能提供的一切。 You can hike in the nearby forest, pedalo around the bay or just sit and sip and cocktail on this unspoilt and lively staple of any Ibiza trip.您可以在附近的森林中远足,在海湾周围踩脚踏船,或者只是坐在这个伊维萨岛行程中未受破坏且活泼的主食中and饮和品尝鸡尾酒。



    Cala Jondal: Cala Jondal原始的白色沙滩上散布着高档日光浴床和优雅的阳伞,还有一条木板木板路,遍布海滩的大部分长度。 It's these extra touches that make the beach so popular amongst international celebrities, who can often be seen sipping a cocktail or reading a book on beautiful Cala Jondal beach.正是这些额外的修饰使海滩在国际名人中如此受欢迎,经常可以在美丽的卡拉·琼达尔海滩上喝鸡尾酒或看书。 The cove within which Cala Jondal is located protects beachgoers from harsh winds and this means that during quiet times, the area is a location of absolute peace and quiet, away from the crowds of Ibiza Town.卡拉·琼达尔(Cala Jondal)所在的海湾可保护泳客免受强风的侵袭,这意味着在安静时期,该地区是绝对和平与宁静的地方,远离伊比沙镇的人群。

    The high-end nature of Cala Jondal means that there is now an impressive range of restaurants and bars that line the beach.卡拉·琼达尔(Cala Jondal)的高端气质意味着,海滩旁遍布着众多餐馆和酒吧。 The iconic Blue Marlin is also located on Cala Jondal, one of the world's most exclusive beach clubs and offering the highest luxury available on Ibiza.标志性的Blue Marlin也位于Cala Jondal,Cala Jondal是世界上最独特的海滩俱乐部之一,提供伊比沙岛上最高的奢华。 To avoid disappointment, if you want to visit any of the big clubs and lounges during your visit, book a few weeks ahead of time.为避免失望,如果您想在游览期间参观任何大型俱乐部和休息室,请提前几周预订。



    Playa Illetes: Though not on Ibiza, Formentera is Ibiza's more glamorous sister and only a short ferry ride away.福门特拉岛(Formentera)虽然不在伊维萨岛(Ibiza)上,但它是伊维萨岛(Ibiza)更具魅力的姐妹,而且仅需很短的渡轮车程。 Most people will head to Formentera for a few days to relax after the busyness of Ibiza.伊比沙岛繁忙之后,大多数人都会去福门特拉岛放松几天。 Formentera is its own unique nearby island with incredible white sandy beaches and turquoise-blue waters.福门特拉岛(Formentera)是其自己独特的附近岛屿,拥有令人难以置信的白色沙滩和碧绿海水。 You can get around easily on scooter or bike.您可以轻松地骑踏板车或骑自行车。

    Playa Illetes 是福门特拉岛的主要海滩 - 距离轮渡码头约 5 公里。 它不是一个同性恋海滩,但已被评为世界十大海滩,非常值得一游。 沿着海滩漫步越远,海滩就越不拥挤,您还会偶然发现一个没有日光浴床且杂草丛生的裸体区。

    海滩上有几家餐厅,尽管价格昂贵,所以最好在附近的La Savina的一家超市买东西,那里是伊维萨岛(Ibiza)渡轮去的地方。

    阅读更多: 在伊维萨岛景点玩乐.

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