


    London is home to more than 170 museums, and many would be classed as the finest in the world.伦敦拥有XNUMX多家博物馆,其中许多博物馆将被评为世界上最好的博物馆。 From established and historical institutions to cutting edge interactive experiences, there is a museum experience for every traveler in London.从历史悠久的机构到最先进的互动体验,伦敦的每一位旅行者都可以享受博物馆的体验。

    Many of the city's museums are historical artefacts themselves with their buildings showcasing some of the most ingenious and impressive architecture in London.该市的许多博物馆本身就是历史文物,其建筑物展示了伦敦一些最新颖,最令人印象深刻的建筑。 Collections have been built up over centuries meaning that the museums in London boast some of the most priceless and culturally significant items in the world.收藏品已经积累了数百年,这意味着伦敦的博物馆拥有世界上一些最无价且具有文化意义的物品。

    In addition to providing quality cultural experiences to countless visitors, the majority of the museums in London are also free of charge to the public.除了向无数游客提供优质的文化体验外,伦敦的大多数博物馆还免费向公众开放。 This means that regardless of your budget, the museums in the UK capital are worthwhile and affordable attractions.这意味着无论您的预算如何,英国首都的博物馆都是值得和负担得起的景点。



    设计博物馆的 striking angular silhouette is largely disguised by its leafy surroundings.绿树成荫的周围环境掩盖了醒目的棱角轮廓。 Nestled in the heart of upmarket Kensington, this feat of contemporary architecture was opened in 2016 to replace the original design museum.坐落在高档肯辛顿中心地带,这一当代建筑壮举于XNUMX年开业,以取代原始的设计博物馆。

    Featuring a range of masterpieces of design and innovation from the 19th century to the modern digital age.展示了从XNUMX世纪到现代数字时代的一系列设计和创新杰作。 The collection spans all aspects of design with examples of innovative fashion, architecture, furniture and technology all on display.该系列涵盖设计的各个方面,并展示了创新的时尚,建筑,家具和技术实例。

    Entry to the museum is free, however, tickets can be purchased for special exhibitions and events.博物馆是免费入场的,但是,可以购买特殊展览和活动的门票。 The Design Museum also boasts an impressive shop where visitors can purchase an assortment of high-design products and souvenirs.设计博物馆还拥有一家令人印象深刻的商店,游客可以在其中购买各种高级设计的产品和纪念品。



    大英博物馆 其美丽的玻璃天花板横跨中央门厅的整个区域,让人一眼就能认出。 该博物馆是标志性罗塞塔石碑的所在地,位于布卢姆斯伯里,可通过伦敦地铁和公交系统轻松抵达 - 霍尔本 (Holborn) 是最近的地铁站。

    The Museum is particularly notable for its collection of ancient artefacts and objects of interest, which stretches back 2 million years.该博物馆以其可追溯到XNUMX万年前的古代文物和感兴趣的物品而闻名。 One of the most popular exhibitions is the ancient Egyptian Gallery, home to multiple sarcophagi, scriptural tablets and tapestries.最受欢迎的展览之一是古埃及美术馆,那里有多种石棺,经文碑文和挂毯。 The Rosetta Stone is known as the key that unlocked the hieroglyphic language of ancient Egypt.罗塞塔石碑是解锁古埃及象形文字的钥匙。




    位于伦敦市中心, 国家美术馆 位于伦敦最受欢迎和最繁忙的目的地之一特拉法加广场。 该画廊成立于 1824 年,收藏有 2,300 多幅 13 世纪至 19 世纪的画作。


    The gallery has an impressive range of food and drink options available both in the gallery and the nearby area.画廊及其附近地区都有丰富的餐饮选择。 Cloakrooms and luggage storage are also available at no cost to visitors.衣帽间和行李寄存处也免费向游客提供。



    坐落在前班克赛德发电站, 泰特现代美术馆 是伦敦主要的当代和现代艺术博物馆,位于伦敦著名的南岸。 泰特现代美术馆被全球公认为拥有最好的英国和国际作品收藏之一,也是该市最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。

    Once inside the building, visitors will find themselves in the breath-taking turbine hall.进入建筑物后,参观者将发现自己在令人叹为观止的涡轮机大厅。 Running the entire length of the Tate Modern, the turbine hall is a cavernous and inspiring space, guaranteed to make any visitor reflective.在整个泰特现代美术馆的整个长度上,涡轮机大厅是一个巨大而鼓舞人心的空间,可确保任何访客反射。

    The Tate Modern is home to over 70,000 original contemporary artworks and features a constantly evolving selection of temporary exhibitions and installations.泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern)拥有XNUMX万多幅原始当代艺术品,并设有不断发展的临时展览和装置。 Some of the permanent pieces on display include works by the likes of David Hockney, Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali.展出的一些永久性作品包括David Hockney,Pablo Picasso,Marcel Duchamp和Salvador Dali之类的作品。


    该馆收藏着世界上最大的藏书之一。 维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆 是保存和收藏艺术和文化的世界领导者。 V&A的藏品收藏了2.3万件趣味物品,涵盖了人类5,000年的创作历史,是对人类生存的真实扩展。

    The museum also holds one of the most impeccably curated fashion archives in the world with a range of garments and costumes from as far back as the 15th century.博物馆还拥有世界上最出色的时尚档案馆之一,馆藏的服装和服饰可追溯到XNUMX世纪。 Visitors can enjoy Alexander Mcqueen evening gowns, suits from the swinging sixties and priceless Simone Mirman hats.游客可以享受亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander Mcqueen)的晚礼服,上衣摇摆的西服和无价的西蒙妮·米尔曼(Simone Mirman)帽子。


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