


Nowhere is as synonymous with the word “quirky” quite as much as Helsinki, and the capital of Finland has been a bastion of progressive politics, design innovation and gay culture for centuries.赫尔辛基是“古怪”一词的代名词,数百年来,芬兰的首都一直是进步政治,设计创新和同性恋文化的堡垒。 Sitting upon a myriad of islands and outcrops, the city is home to an astounding array of architectural styles and masterpieces, with spaces such as the Musiikkitalo concert hall often being classed as some of the finest in the world.这座城市座落在无数的岛屿和露头上,是一系列令人震惊的建筑风格和杰作的所在地,诸如Musiikkitalo音乐厅之类的空间经常被评为世界上最好的一些。

The urban sprawl that is Helsinki is awash with fantastic restaurants, museums, cafes, and galleries, however, the city's natural landscape is just as awe-inspiring as that which is man-made.赫尔辛基的城市蔓延到处都是奇妙的餐馆,博物馆,咖啡厅和美术馆,但是,城市的自然景观与人造景观一样令人敬畏。 The vast Baltic wilderness is rugged and untamed, home to dense forests and stretching plains.广阔的波罗的海荒野崎无un,森林茂密,平原绵延。 The city is at its most charming in winter, when a blanket of snow plunges Helsinki into Christmas mode, with festive markets popping up throughout its streets.冬季,赫尔辛基被雪覆盖,进入圣诞节,这座城市是冬季最迷人的地方,整个街道上都涌现出许多喜庆的市场。

赫尔辛基是芬兰汤姆的故乡——可以说是世界上最具影响力的同性恋色情图片制作地,赫尔辛基也拥有出色的人权记录,通常被认为是世界上 LGBT+ 的最佳之地之一。 赫尔辛基的同性恋场景不断发展且令人兴奋,是任何同性恋旅行者的必游目的地。



Suomenlinna translates in English to “The Fortress of Finland”, and with its vast size and long history, it is just that.芬兰堡(Suomenlinna)将英语翻译为“芬兰要塞”(Fortress of Finland),而其庞大的规模和悠久的历史就是这样。 The fortress spans multiple islands and is located just 20 minutes from Helsinki harbor by ferry.这座堡垒横跨多个岛屿,坐渡轮距离赫尔辛基港口仅1748分钟路程。 Construction began in XNUMX, during Helsinki's Swedish era, and was designed as a major strategic destination and to protect Helsinki and southern Finland.该建筑始建于XNUMX年,当时是赫尔辛基的瑞典时代,被设计为主要的战略目的地,旨在保护赫尔辛基和芬兰南部。 Having been invaded and acquired by multiple governments, countries, and regimes since this time, Suomenlinna has a truly unique and fascinating history.自此以来,芬兰堡已被多个政府,国家和政权入侵和收购,芬兰堡拥有真正独特而迷人的历史。 The fortress is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, protecting it from development and destruction.该堡垒现已成为联合国教科文组织世界遗产,保护它不受发展和破坏。

The archipelago on which Suomenlinna sits is connected with a series of bridges, and the islands are home to a selection of museums and galleries that document the fortress's history, as well as that of Helsinki in general.芬兰堡所在的群岛与一系列桥梁相连,这些岛屿上有许多记录堡垒历史以及整个赫尔辛基历史的博物馆和美术馆。 The site is free to visit and the ferry ride only charges a small fee, making Suomenlinna an affordable, worthwhile, and enriching experience.该站点可免费访问,乘坐渡轮仅需支付少量费用,从而使芬兰堡成为负担得起的,值得的,丰富的体验。



It's only fitting that one of the world's most gay-friendly cities also has an impassioned, lively, and non-judgemental gay scene.这是世界上对同性恋最友好的城市之一,也充满热情,活泼且不受评断的同性恋氛围,这才是合适的。 With a plethora of gay bars, clubs and cruising venues, the nightlife scene in Helsinki is varied and prides itself on creating an inclusive atmosphere that is welcoming of individuals from across the LGBT+ community.赫尔辛基拥有众多同性恋酒吧,俱乐部和巡游场所,其夜生活场景千姿百态,并以营造包容性的氛围而自豪,该氛围欢迎来自LGBT +社区的个人。 The majority of gay nightlife venues are located in Kallio, the main gay district, but Punavuori is also a hub of gay culture, tending to appeal more to wealthy gay guys and those living in the surrounding affluent, hipster districts.多数同性恋夜生活场所都位于主要同性恋区卡利奥(Kallio),但普纳武里(Punavuori)还是同性恋文化的枢纽,倾向于吸引富裕的同性恋者以及居住在周围富裕的时髦地区的人们。

熊公园咖啡馆 has won awards for the best gay bar in Finland.已获得芬兰最佳同性恋酒吧奖。 The venue first opened as a small kiosk and over the last two decades has evolved into the beating heart of the local gay community.该场所最初是作为一个小亭子开放的,在过去的二十年中,它已发展成为当地同性恋社区的跳动心脏。 Popular with a truly diverse cross-section of the LGBT+ community, the bar has a welcoming and inclusive vibe that is common amongst Helsinki's gay venues.该酒吧以LGBT +社区的真正多样化的横截面而受欢迎,在赫尔辛基的同性恋场所中很普遍,具有欢迎和包容的氛围。 Few establishments are as camp and full of pride as Bear Park Cafe and themed events, festivals, and performances are often held here, so be sure to check out this lively bar during your trip.很少有像熊公园咖啡馆那样的营地和充满自豪感的场所,而且经常在这里举行主题活动,节日和表演,因此请务必在旅途中查看这个热闹的酒吧。



The rousing art of Tom of Finland has been a symbol of freedom and liberation for the queer community since the 1950s.自XNUMX年代以来,芬兰汤姆(Tom)的讽刺画一直是酷儿社区自由和解放的象征。 At this time, laws in the USA prohibited the production and selling of homoerotic artwork and because of this, Touko Laaksonen- the man behind Tom of Finland, began selling his artwork under the guise of men's fitness and health illustrations.当时,美国法律禁止生产和销售同性恋作品,因此,芬兰汤姆(Tom)背后的男人Touko Laaksonen开始以男性健身和健康插图为幌子出售其艺术品。 The depictions of incredibly muscular men, often wearing military uniforms or biking leathers, with almost comically large bulges, hit the mainstream and became an immediate success.肌肉发达的男人,经常穿着军服或骑自行车的皮鞋,几乎有大的隆起物,成了主流,并立即获得了成功。

Laaksonen出生在赫尔辛基,一生大部分时间都在城市里度过,在西贝柳斯学院学习钢琴,并成为当地社区的知名人物。 Today, travelers to the city have a unique opportunity to follow in his footsteps, on the Tom of Finland Experience, a guided tour that visits important locations in Laaksonen's life and explains how his art came to liberate generations of gay men.如今,前往这座城市的旅行者有一个独特的机会,可以跟随他的足迹踏上芬兰之汤(Tom of Finland)之旅,这是一次带导游的游览,参观了Laaksonen一生中的重要地点,并解释了他的艺术如何解放了几代男同性恋者。



Located on the eastern side of central Helsinki, Market Square is likely to be the first thing you notice when you visit the city's old town.集市广场位于赫尔辛基市中心的东侧,很可能是您参观这座城市的老城区时首先注意到的东西。 The market is the most famous of its kind in Finland, and its vast size and charming atmosphere make it one of the busiest and most authentic in the world.该市场是芬兰同类市场中最著名的,其巨大的规模和迷人的氛围使其成为世界上最繁忙,最真实的市场之一。 The epicenter of local life, Market Square is where you'll find anything that you could possibly want, from hand-crafted jewelry and antiques to the freshest daily caught fish and organic vegetables.集市广场(Market Square)是当地生活的中心,在那里您可以找到任何想要的东西,从手工制作的珠宝和古董到每日最新鲜的鱼类和有机蔬菜。 Traders come from throughout the region to sell their goods, and you'll only find in-season produce on the stands of Market Square.来自整个区域的商人都在出售他们的商品,在市场广场的摊位上您只会发现季节性产品。

Visitors should be sure to visit Kauppahalli, an indoor market hall that has been operating since 1889 and is home to an array of quaint stalls that are modeled with many original features and sell a delicious selection of Finnish coffee, cakes, pastries, cooked meats and more.参观者一定要参观Kauppahalli,这是一个自1743年以来一直在营业的室内市场大厅,这里有许多古朴的摊位,这些摊位以许多原始特色为原型,并出售美味的芬兰咖啡,蛋糕,糕点,熟肉以及更多。 The indoor Kauppahalli is a great place to visit if the temperatures are particularly low.如果温度特别低,室内Kauppahalli是一个不错的选择。 Market Square plays host to a number of events throughout the year, including the Baltic Herring Market, which has been held here every year since XNUMX, so, to make sure that you don't miss anything special, check what's happening at the market before visiting.集市广场(Market Square)全年举办许多活动,包括自XNUMX年以来每年都在这里举行的波罗的海鲱鱼市场(Baltic Herring Market),因此,为确保您不会错过任何特别活动,请在此之前查看一下市场上发生的情况参观。



Helsinki was named the international Design Capital in 2012, and much like its Scandinavian neighbors, the city is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to cutting edge innovation.赫尔辛基在25年被命名为国际设计之都,与斯堪的纳维亚的邻国一样,这座城市在进行尖端创新时也是不可忽视的力量。 Spread across 200 streets and occupying over XNUMX buildings, the city's design district is a compact and condensed collection of the best designers, studios, and museums in the Helsinki.这座城市的设计区遍布XNUMX条街道,占据XNUMX多座建筑物,是赫尔辛基最好的设计师,工作室和博物馆的紧凑而浓缩的集合。 The government actively promotes and encourages the flourishment of the Design District, and as such, it is one of the most affluent and well-kept areas of the city and a totally worthwhile visit.政府积极促进和鼓励设计区的发展,因此,它是该市最富裕和人烟最多的地区之一,值得一游。

Many of Finland's top design studios and fashion houses can be found in the district, but none are as famous as Marimekko.在该地区可以找到许多芬兰顶级的设计工作室和时装屋,但没有一个像Marimekko那样著名。 The vibrant patterns and bold colorways of the company were thrust into the global spotlight after Jackie Kenndey made the house one of her go-to dressmakers during the 1960 presidential elections.在75,000年大选期间,成龙·肯尼迪(Jackie Kenndey)将该公司的房子定为她的裁缝师之一后,该公司充满活力的图案和大胆的色彩便成为了全球关注的焦点。 For a complete and immersive understanding of the Helsinki Design District, be sure to visit the Design Museum, one of the oldest museums in the world and home to over 100,000 objects and XNUMX drawings.要完全了解赫尔辛基设计区,请务必参观设计博物馆,该博物馆是世界上最古老的博物馆之一,拥有XNUMX多个物品和XNUMX个图纸。 The museum aims to create a dialogue between those who visit and the designs that are on show.该博物馆旨在在参观者和展出的设计之间建立对话。

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