


伊斯坦布尔是一座连接欧洲和亚洲的庞大城市,也是世界上最热闹、最有趣的目的地之一。 伊斯坦布尔是世界第五大最受欢迎的旅游目的地,每年接待超过 12 万外国游客,并拥有文化和宗教多元化的人口。

The city also has a lively gay scene, with a number of gay bars, clubs and cafes littered throughout its streets.这个城市也有一个活跃的同性恋场面,街道上到处都是同性恋酒吧,俱乐部和咖啡馆。 Although Turkey is a socially conservative country, Istanbul is a haven for LGBT+ individuals from many of its neighbouring countries and an increasingly popular destination for gay travelers.尽管土耳其是一个社会保守的国家,但伊斯坦布尔还是许多邻国LGBT +个人的天堂,也是同性恋旅行者越来越受欢迎的目的地。 That being said, gay rights have taken a turn for the worst in recent years.话虽这么说,近年来同性恋权利的变化最严重。 But being gay in Istanbul is far more preferable than most Muslim countries.但是在伊斯坦布尔做同性恋比大多数穆斯林国家更可取。




Hagia Sophia started life as a Christian church before being converted into a mosque after the Ottoman conquest.圣索菲亚大教堂(Hagia Sophia)最初是一家基督教教堂,在奥斯曼帝国征服后改建为清真寺。 The mosque was then turned into a museum for much of the 20th century before a Turkish court ruled it illegal for the building to be used for anything other than a place of worship and Hagia Sophia's mosque status was reinstated in 2021.然后在XNUMX世纪的大部分时间里,这座清真寺变成了博物馆。在此之前,土耳其法院裁定该建筑物除用于礼拜场所外,不得用于其他任何用途。圣索菲亚大教堂(Hagia Sophia)的清真寺地位于XNUMX年恢复。

The mosque is a space of mammoth scale that is unique in its mix of both Islamic and Christian artworks and statues.清真寺是一个庞大的空间,在伊斯兰和基督教艺术品和雕像的混合中是独一无二的。 Whilst Hagia Sophia is a fully operating mosque, guests are welcome to visit and will find a number of official tour guides in the entrance courtyard.圣索非亚大教堂(Hagia Sophia)是一座全面运作的清真寺,欢迎客人参观,并在入口庭院中找到许多官方的导游。 These tours tend to be inexpensive and can offer travelers a more in-depth look into the history and modern use of this iconic religious destination.这些旅行往往价格便宜,可以使旅行者更深入地了解这个标志性宗教目的地的历史和现代用途。



One of Istanbul's largest underground spaces, the Basilica Cistern was built in 532 and is the oldest surviving cistern in Istanbul.大教堂水箱是伊斯坦布尔最大的地下空间之一,建于336年,是伊斯坦布尔现存最古老的水箱。 Supported by XNUMX columns, the space is a haunting yet beautiful network of ancient steam waterways and reservoirs designed to hold the catch and hold the city's rainwater.该空间由XNUMX根圆柱支撑,是​​一个古老而又令人难以忘怀的古老蒸汽水道和水库网络,旨在容纳渔获物并容纳城市的雨水。

The Basilica Cistern was meticulously renovated in 1985 by the Turkish government and is now one of Istanbul's most popular tourist attractions.大教堂蓄水池于XNUMX年由土耳其政府精心翻新,现已成为伊斯坦布尔最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。 Visitors can walk through the cavernous space on wooden boardwalks, whilst enjoying the underground cool, which can provide a welcome escape from the city's sweltering heat.参观者可以在木制人行道上的洞穴空间中漫步,同时享受地下凉爽,可以从城市闷热的天气中度过美好的时光。 Visitors should be especially observant in order to see the two Medusa heads carved into columns within the cistern.参观者应特别注意观察水箱内雕刻成圆柱状的两个美杜莎头。



The Galata Tower is one of the highest and oldest towers in Istanbul.加拉塔塔是伊斯坦布尔最高和最古老的塔之一。 From its 60-meter high observation deck, visitors can enjoy panoramic views across the city.在其14米高的观景台上,游客可以欣赏整个城市的全景。 The tower was built in the XNUMXth century as part of the defensive architecture that surrounded Istanbul.该塔建于XNUMX世纪,是包围伊斯坦布尔的防御性建筑的一部分。

经过大规模修复后,加拉达塔于 1967 年向公众开放,现在其顶层设有一家令人印象深刻的餐厅。 对于渴望到达塔顶欣赏美景的游客来说,有一部电梯可以到达塔的半山腰——客人必须勇敢地走上台阶才能到达观景区。


The majority of venues within Istanbul's gay scene can be found in and around Taksim Square.在塔克西姆广场及其周围地区,可以找到伊斯坦布尔同性恋场景中的大多数场地。 The area is a hub of entertainment and nightlife in the city and has an energetic and lively atmosphere on weekend evenings.该地区是该市娱乐和夜生活的枢纽,并且在周末晚上充满活力和活跃。 The area is home to a number of gay and transgender focused bars, many of which operate as coffee shops and cafes during the day.该地区拥有许多以同性恋者和变性者为中心的酒吧,其中许多酒吧白天都作为咖啡店和咖啡馆营业。

举例说明伊斯坦布尔的同性恋场景, 基安蒂酒吧 is a laid back and welcoming bar and cafe in Taksim square that tends to get busier and livelier around 10 pm.是塔克西姆广场上悠闲宜人的酒吧和咖啡馆,晚上XNUMX点左右往往会变得更热闹。 The bar also has regular karaoke nights and themed events.酒吧还定期举办卡拉OK晚会和主题活动。 TekYön is the biggest and most popular gay dance club in Istanbul and is open every night, attracting consistently large crowds of locals and tourists.是伊斯坦布尔最大和最受欢迎的同性恋舞蹈俱乐部,并且每晚营业,吸引了大批当地人和游客。 The club boasts a large dance floor and hosts live drag performances on the weekends.俱乐部拥有宽敞的舞池,并在周末举行现场表演。



Separating European and Asian Istanbul, the Bosporus Strait is a wide waterway that runs through the centre of Istanbul, separating the two continents.博斯普鲁斯海峡将欧洲和亚洲的伊斯坦布尔分开,是一条横跨伊斯坦布尔中心的宽阔水道,将两大洲隔开。 The Bosporus Strait is a busy shipping and commercial sailing passage and its banks are some of the liveliest and most bustling areas of the city, full of life and activity.博斯普鲁斯海峡是繁忙的航运和商业航行通道,其河岸是该市一些最热闹,最繁华的地区,充满生机和活力。

One of the best ways for travelers to enjoy the Bosporus Strait is by one of the many ferry cruises and leisure tours available from Istanbul's shores.享受博斯普鲁斯海峡海峡之旅的最佳方式之一,就是从伊斯坦布尔海岸进行的众多渡轮巡游和休闲游之一。 Once onboard, travelers will be able to appreciate Istanbul's bustling cityscape from the water and enjoy the novelty of sailing between the two continents.登船后,旅客将能够从水上欣赏伊斯坦布尔繁华的城市景观,并享受两大洲之间航行的新颖性。

The ferries tend to be comfortable and well-furnished and usually sail close to the shore, meaning that there are plenty of great photo opportunities.轮渡往往舒适且布置精良,通常在靠近海岸的地方航行,这意味着有很多绝佳的拍照机会。 From the water, travelers will also be able to appreciate Maiden's Tower, an ancient stone building in the middle of the strait.从水上,旅客还将能够欣赏到海峡中部的一座古老的石头建筑少女塔。



苏莱曼清真寺坐落在伊斯坦布尔七座山之一的山顶上,是这座城市天际线上的地标,也是现存最宏伟、最美丽的奥斯曼清真寺之一。 这座清真寺由素有“宏伟之王”之称的苏莱曼一世建造,是伊斯坦布尔建造的第四座同类清真寺,其 10 个阳台代表了苏莱曼一世作为奥斯曼帝国第十任皇帝的地位。

Süleymaniye清真寺的内部既巨大又海绵状,但在设计和艺术品上也很简单。 During construction, Süleyman instructed builders to include a soup kitchen, hospital and hammam in the mosque complex and these facilities can still be explored today.在施工过程中,苏莱曼指示建筑商在清真寺建筑群中包括一个汤厨房,医院和土耳其浴室,而如今仍可以探索这些设施。

The mosque is open daily for visitors, however, it closes during prayer times.清真寺每天对游客开放,但是在祈祷期间关闭。 Located near the mosque is Süleyman's tomb which is also well worth a visit.苏莱曼墓位于清真寺附近,也很值得一游。

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