
    Gay Rio de Janeiro·城市向导

    First time in Rio de Janeiro?第一次在里约热内卢吗? Then our gay Rio de Janeiro city guide page is a good place to start.那么我们的同性恋里约热内卢城市指南页面就是一个不错的起点。


    Rio de Janeiro is a bustling, vibrant, and exciting hub of art, culture, and fun.里约热内卢是艺术,文化和娱乐的繁华,生机勃勃,令人兴奋的中心。 Known for its pristine white sand beaches, dramatic landscape, and colourful annual carnivals, the city is one of the most lively and diverse cities on the planet.这座城市以其原始的白色沙滩,动人的风景和丰富多彩的年度狂欢节而闻名,是地球上最活跃,种类最多的城市之一。 There is an abundance of opportunity for exploration, from the breathtaking Christ the Redeemer to the Escadaria Selaron staircase.从令人惊叹的救世主基督到埃斯卡达里亚·斯拉隆楼梯,这里有大量的探索机会。

    Being Brazil's most liberal city, Rio de Janeiro also has a thriving and well-established gay scene that boasts a selection of great gay bars, clubs, and cafes.作为巴西最自由的城市,里约热内卢还拥有繁荣而成熟的同性恋场所,其中包括许多一流的同性恋酒吧,俱乐部和咖啡馆。 The country is one of the world's most popular gay travel destinations and you'll be well catered for in this sun-soaked city.该国是世界上最受欢迎的同性恋旅行目的地之一,在这个阳光普照的城市中,您会得到很好的照顾。



    巴西拥有南美一些最先进的LGBT +权利,因此在2013年将同性婚姻合法化,并根据该国的反种族歧视法将基于感知到的性取向和性别认同的暴力和歧视行为定为犯罪。

    截至 2019 年,随着巴西迎来新的极右翼政府,特别是总统雅伊尔·博尔索纳罗 (Jair Bolsonaro) 发表的评论,人们对巴西 LGBT+ 人群的安全和权利越来越担忧。 然而,尽管 LGBT+ 人群面临的挑战日益严峻,但巴西在 LGBT+ 权利和保护方面仍然是世界上最先进的国家之一,

    Rio De Janeiro is an international capital of gay community and culture, hosting some of the world's largest and best-attended pride celebrations every year.里约热内卢(Rio De Janeiro)是同性恋社区和文化的国际首都,每年都会举办一些世界上规模最大,参加人数最多的骄傲庆典。 The majority of the events take place in October and attract visitors from across Brazil and the world.大多数活动都在XNUMX月举行,吸引了来自巴西和世界各地的游客。



    Rio de Janeiro is home to Brazil's largest and most iconic gay village- Ipanema.里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro)是巴西最大和最具标志性的同性恋村庄伊帕内玛(Ipanema)的故乡。 The area is a bustling and lively part of the city that features a dense concentration of该地区是这座城市的繁华和热闹的部分,集中了 同性恋酒吧,俱乐部和咖啡馆。 该地区的同性恋夜生活多种多样,包容各方,并且有适合任何旅行者的兴趣和品味的体验。

    La Cueva La Cueva的舒适内部设计类似于岩石洞穴,并且该场所比附近其他一些场所提供更悠闲和凉爽的氛围。 La Cueva在较旧的同性恋社区中尤其受欢迎,是喝酒和结识友好的当地同性恋者的理想场所。

    任何同志旅行者行程中必须参观的俱乐部应该是 里约周。 The Week占据了整个楼层的两层,并拥有一个游泳池和多个酒吧区,是里约最大,最受欢迎的同性恋舞蹈俱乐部,距离北部中心区的海滨仅一小段路程。

    了解更多: 里约热内卢同性恋指南


    Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon are all popular areas of Rio de Janeiro amongst gay travelers.科帕卡巴纳(Copacabana),依帕内玛(Ipanema)和勒布隆(Leblon)都是里约热内卢最受欢迎的同性恋旅行者地区。 Staying in these districts promises easy access to much of the city's gay nightlife, and hotels in these central areas are also more likely to be gay-friendly.住在这些地区可保证轻松访问该市的许多同性恋夜生活,而且这些中心地区的酒店也更可能是同性恋友好场所。

    对于里约热内卢最时尚、最现代的酒店之一来说,这家酒店就是您的不二之选。 索尔依帕内玛酒店。 Sol Ipanema Hotel酒店坐落在令人难以置信的同性恋受欢迎的Posto 9海滩对面,屋顶游泳池和海滨美景使Sol Ipanema Hotel成为吸收这座城市所有美景的理想场所。

    拥有同样令人印象深刻的屋顶游泳池和休息区, 亚特兰蒂斯科帕卡巴纳酒店 is a modern and elegant option for gay travelers visiting Rio De Janeiro.对于来里约热内卢的同性恋旅行者来说,是一种现代而优雅的选择。 Situated in a central and well-connected location, many of the city's most popular shops are nearby and the famous Copacabana Beach is only a five-minute drive away.地处中央且交通便利的地点,附近有许多城市最受欢迎的商店,而著名的科帕卡巴纳海滩(Copacabana Beach)仅五分钟车程。 The affordable rooms at Atlantis Copacabana Hotel make it the perfect option for those traveling on a budget.亚特兰蒂斯科帕卡巴纳酒店的价格合理的客房使其成为预算有限的旅行者的理想选择。


    The city boasts a large selection of gay saunas, many of which are open 24/7.该市拥有众多同性恋桑拿房,其中许多都是XNUMX/XNUMX开放的。 Sex work is legal in Brazil, which means that gay saunas are popular places for sex workers to work and find clients, however, saunas are also largely popular with men seeking men without payment.在巴西,性工作是合法的,这意味着同性恋桑拿浴室是供性工作者工作和寻找客户的热门场所,然而,桑拿浴室也很受男人无偿找男人的欢迎。

    里约热内卢最受欢迎的场地之一是 里约狮子会, the largest sauna in the city and located close to many other gay venues.该市最大的桑拿浴室,靠近许多其他同性恋场所。 Lions Club spans four floors, functions as a night club and is a very popular venue.狮子俱乐部跨越四层,是一家夜总会,是一个非常受欢迎的场所。 The sauna features a range of facilities including a stage area that hosts regular live events, a steam room, private cabins and a hot tub.桑拿浴室提供一系列设施,包括举办定期现场活动的舞台区,蒸汽浴室,私人小屋和热水浴缸。



    Rio de Janeiro is served by Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport which is the largest of three airports in the city.里约热内卢有安东尼奥·卡洛斯·乔宾国际机场,这是该市三个机场中最大的。 The airport shares its facilities with the Brazilian airforce and is the fourth busiest airport in Brazil.该机场与巴西空军共享设施,是巴西第四繁忙的机场。

    The bus is a popular way to get from the airport to the city center and takes around 45 minutes.巴士是从机场到市中心的一种流行方式,大约需要XNUMX分钟。 The air-conditioned vehicles are comfortable and well-run, making the bus one of the best ways to get to and from Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport.空调车辆舒适且运行良好,使巴士成为往返安东尼奥·卡洛斯·乔宾国际机场的最佳方式之一。 There is also an hourly shuttle bus that runs from the airport to many of the city's hotels and the popular beach locations.从机场到城市的许多酒店以及受欢迎的海滩地点都有每小时一班的班车。

    Additionally, taxi ranks can be found easily outside any of the airport's terminals.此外,在机场的任何候机楼外都可以轻松找到出租车站。 Travelers are advised to ensure that the meter on the taxi is completely empty before starting their journey.建议旅客在开始旅行之前确保出租车上的仪表完全空了。



    Buses are a cheap and reliable way to get around the city and provide the additional pleasure of allowing you to view the city as you ride.公交车是一种廉价而可靠的出行方式,可以在城市中穿行,并为您带来更多的乐趣,使您可以在骑车时查看城市。 Bus stops can be found throughout the city, and the next stop is displayed above the windscreen.整个城市都有公交车站,挡风玻璃上方显示下一个车站。 The buses also run regularly but can get hot and crowded in the heat.公交车也有规律的运行,但是会变得很热并且拥挤。


    The metro is fast, efficient, and clean, making it the most popular travel alternative in Rio de Janeiro.地铁快速,高效,清洁,使其成为里约热内卢最受欢迎的旅行选择。 The city's metro network runs on three lines and trains top at all stations along the line.该市的地铁网络沿三条线运行,并在沿线所有车站的火车上运行。 You can purchase prepaid travel cards from kiosks in and around metro stations and network maps can be downloaded online.您可以从地铁站及其附近的自助服务亭购买预付费旅行卡,并且可以在线下载网络地图。


    Rio de Janeiro's official taxis are identifiable by their bright yellow color and are a safe and quick way to get around the city.里约热内卢的官方出租车可以用鲜艳的黄色识别,是一种安全快捷的出行方式。 Taxis can be hailed but most people in Rio de Janeiro will use taxi apps such as 99Taxis and Easy Taxi.可以招呼出租车,但里约热内卢的大多数人都会使用出租车应用程序,例如XNUMXTaxis和Easy Taxi。



    There are limitless possibilities when it comes to things to do in Rio de Janeiro.在里约热内卢要做的事情有无限的可能性。 However, the most important attractions include:但是,最重要的景点包括:



    在Parque dasRuínas度过一天




    前往Vista Chinesa

    了解更多: 里约热内卢景点





    There are thousands of ATM machines across Rio de Janeiro, and most mid to high-end establishments will accept credit and debit cards.里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro)拥有成千上万的ATM机,大多数中高端企业将接受信用卡和借记卡。 However, some ATM machines and card readers may add an additional fee for transactions attempted with overseas cards.但是,某些ATM机和读卡器可能会为尝试使用海外卡进行交易收取额外费用。



    The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is between December and March when the weather is warm and sunny and the beaches will be lively but not overcrowded.游览里约热内卢的最佳时间是在XNUMX月至XNUMX月之间,这时的天气温暖而阳光充足,海滩会很热闹,但不会人满为患。 The weather is great almost all year but can get swelteringly hot in the summer.几乎全年天气都很好,但是夏天闷热难受。

    However, if you're looking for the most action, head to the city in February, as this is when Carnival will be in full swing and the jovial atmosphere will be palpable.但是,如果您需要采取最大的行动,则二月前往城市,因为此时狂欢节将如火如荼地进行,欢乐的气氛将显而易见。 The cheapest time to visit Rio de Janeiro is in October, as this is the lowest tourist season so rates on hotels and flights will be at their lowest.里约热内卢最便宜的时间是在十月,因为这是旅游季节最低的季节,因此酒店和航班的费率将是最低的。

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