San Francisco is one of America's greatest cities.旧金山是美国最伟大的城市之一。 It's the home of Silicon Valley and consequently one of the world's most expensive cities.它是硅谷的故乡,因此是世界上最昂贵的城市之一。 Before the tech billionaires moved in, it was famed as America's gay capital.在技术亿万富翁进入之前,它曾是美国的同性恋首都。 By the 1970s, the Castro district was the biggest gayborhood in the country.到XNUMX年代,卡斯特罗区是该国最大的同性恋社区。
One of the first things that comes to mind when you think of San Francisco is how gay it is.当您想到旧金山时,想到的第一件事就是同性恋。 Armistead Maupin immortalised San Francisco's gay culture in his Tales Of The City books.阿米斯特德·莫平(Amistead Maupin)在他的《城市故事》(The Tales Of The City)书中使旧金山的同性恋文化永垂不朽。 Harvey Milk, the iconic gay politician, set up his headquarters in the Castro.标志性的同性恋政治家哈维•米尔克(Harvey Milk)在卡斯特罗(Castro)设立了总部。 Sean Pean's film about his life and assassination was a big hit.肖恩·皮恩(Sean Pean)关于他的生活和暗杀的电影大获成功。
卡斯特罗挤满了同性恋酒吧。 双峰小酒馆 has been a gay bar since 1935, making it a historic institution.自XNUMX年以来一直是一家同性恋酒吧,使其成为一所历史悠久的机构。 It's well worth a visit.值得一游。 Another popular place is另一个受欢迎的地方是 咖啡厅,一家长期存在的同性恋酒吧,吸引了非常时尚的人群。 If you're looking to party all night then如果您想整晚聚会, 美术 是一个不错的选择。
San Francisco is one of the best cities in America for gay travelers.旧金山是美国同性恋旅行者最佳的城市之一。 So much gay history was made in this city.在这座城市创造了很多同性恋历史。 However much it gentrifies, the queer spirit of San Fran will survive.无论贵族化程度如何,圣弗朗西斯科的同志精神都将继续存在。 阅读更多: 卡斯特罗同性恋指南.
San Francisco is very expensive, as we've already established.正如我们已经建立的,旧金山非常昂贵。 The hotels on offer are no different.提供的酒店没有什么不同。 Naturally, San Fran has a great selection of hotels.自然,San Fran有多种酒店可供选择。 It's a question of how far your budget will stretch.这是您的预算将延伸多远的问题。 If you're looking for the very best you'll easily find it here.如果您正在寻找最好的,那么您可以在这里轻松找到它。
SoMa区始终是旧金山酒店的理想选择。 There are many to choose from.有很多选择。 旧金山适当酒店 is a popular choice.是一个受欢迎的选择。 It's in a great location and it's very chic.它处于优越的地理位置,非常时尚。 Supposing money is no issue, then the假设钱没问题,那么 旧金山四季酒店 is divine.是神圣的。 If you're looking to save some Dolls, then如果您要保存一些玩偶,那么 汉普顿酒店 在同性恋区是个不错的选择。
There's so much to see in this city.在这个城市有很多景点。 You can't really do it justice in a single trip but there are some definite highlights you should check out.您单程旅行并不能真正做到公正,但是您应该查看一些明确的亮点。 The Golden Gate Bridge is so iconic.金门大桥是如此标志性。 It opened in 1937 and it's been synonymous with San Francisco ever since.它于XNUMX年开业,从那以后一直是旧金山的代名词。 You'll also want to visit Fisherman's Wharf, a lively waterfront district with plenty of restaurants to explore.您还将需要参观渔人码头,这是一个热闹的海滨地区,有很多餐馆可供探索。
另外,如果您有车,还可以去九曲花街 (Lombard Street) - 这是著名的八发夹弯街,而且非常陡峭!从这里看到的海湾景色很美。
If you like a bit of mystery, head to Alcatraz Island.如果您想神秘一点,那就去恶魔岛。 Between 1933 and 1962 it housed some of America's most notorious prisoners.在XNUMX年至XNUMX年之间,它收容了一些美国最臭名昭著的囚犯。 They were kept behind bars on a small rocky island surrounded by the sea.他们被关在一个被大海包围的岩石小岛上的牢房里。 That way there was no escape.这样就无法逃脱。 Very Count Of Monte Cristo!基督山非常伯爵!
美国的澡堂风潮在 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代逐渐衰落。 不过,有些城市仍然有适当的同性恋浴室 - 旧金山不是其中之一。 在艾滋病毒流行最严重的时候,旧金山关闭了同性恋浴室。 今天仅剩一处。 EROS 30年代大约有1970家同性恋浴室。 The gay bathhouses may return one day.同性恋澡堂可能会返回一天。 But for now, the 1984 lawsuit against San Francisco's bathhouses prevents them from coming back.但就目前而言,XNUMX年针对旧金山澡堂的诉讼阻止了他们回来。 阅读更多: 美国同性恋浴室和“浴室贝蒂”的历史.
飞往旧金山很容易。 您可以飞往旧金山国际机场 - 许多主要航空公司都有航班提供服务。 从机场乘坐火车仅需 30 分钟即可到达旧金山市中心。 SFO 国际航站楼每小时约有四趟列车。
The Bay Area Rapid Transits are historic transit cars that connect much of the city.湾区快速公交是连接整个城市的历史悠久的公交车。 They are fast and not too pricey.它们速度很快,而且价格不太昂贵。 You can book tickets online through an app or with the exact change when you board.您可以通过应用程序在线预订机票,也可以在登机时进行确切的更改。 A quaint way of travelling.一种古朴的旅行方式。
Metro系统也由Muni运行。 You can easily get the Metro around San Francisco.您可以轻松地在旧金山附近乘坐地铁。 It's probably the easiest way of travelling.这可能是最简单的旅行方式。
旧金山到处都是出租车。标准起步费为 3.50 美元,并按设定增量提高 - 出租车在全市范围内受到监管。
San Francisco is a pretty safe city.旧金山是一个非常安全的城市。 Check out what neighbourhood you're staying in to be sure.确认您要住的地方。 As with all major cities, some neighbourhoods are less salubrious at night.与所有主要城市一样,某些街区在夜间不那么讨人喜欢。 Fisherman's Wharf and Chinatown are considered to be the safest.渔人码头和唐人街被认为是最安全的。
The cost of living in San Francisco is obscene.旧金山的生活费用令人讨厌。 Many poorer locals have been priced out.许多较贫穷的当地人都被高估了。 Silicon Valley has reshaped the world and spawned many of the world's biggest companies.硅谷重塑了世界,并催生了许多世界上最大的公司。 Most of them are based in San Francisco.他们中的大多数人位于旧金山。 With some of the richest people in history buying up San Francisco real estate, this isn't a great place for people on low incomes.由于历史上有一些最富有的人购买了旧金山的房地产,因此对于低收入人群来说,这不是一个好地方。
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