

    First trip to Seattle?第一次去西雅图? Then our gay Seattle city guide can help you get from A to Z.然后,我们的同性恋西雅图城市向导可以帮助您从A到Z。


    西雅图是一个不断发展的城市。 作为科学,工程和文化的全球领导者,这座城市是创新的堡垒。 这座城市与表演艺术和视觉艺术有着长期稳定的关系,数十年来一直接待该国最好的爵士音乐家和艺术家。 自由的社会态度,超前的思维和创造精神,都使西雅图成为表达和自由的枢纽。

    西雅图是LGBT +社区和文化欣欣向荣的首都,它真正地接受并尊重所有身份。 该市拥有美国第六大LGBT +人口,多年来一直致力于为同性恋当地人和旅行者营造一种包容和热情的氛围。 在这个繁华而又令人兴奋的城市里,有很多事情要做,而且有一些适合每个同性恋旅行者的兴趣和品味的事情。


    Washington State is frequently described as one of the most gay-friendly states in the USA and the rights and protections afforded to LGBT+ people here confirm this.华盛顿州经常被描述为美国最同性恋的州之一,这里向LGBT +人民提供的权利和保护证实了这一点。 Same-Sex marriage was legalized in 2012 and civil partnerships have been legal since 2007. LGBT+ people in Washington State also enjoy a number of legislative bills that protect them from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.自XNUMX年起,同性婚姻合法化,从XNUMX年起,民事伴侣关系就合法化了。华盛顿州的LGBT +人还享有许多立法法案,可以保护他们免受基于性取向或性别认同的歧视。

    2016年,西雅图进行了地方投票,并禁止对未成年人使用转化疗法,2017年通过了立法,禁止在华盛顿州的任何人使用转化疗法。 Transgender people now also have the right to modify their birth certificate and other official documents.变性人现在也有权修改其出生证和其他正式文件。


    西雅图的同性恋山Capitol Hill是一个充满活力且种类繁多的同性恋酒吧和俱乐部的聚集地,游客可以尽情享受,该地区以同性恋者夜生活的前卫,折衷和多样化着称。

    西雅图同性恋夜生活之冠的瑰宝, 邻居 is a large venue that spans three floors and is one of the city's most popular gay venues.是跨越三层楼的大型场地,是该市最受欢迎的同性恋场地之一。 The video and sound systems, multiple bars, great atmosphere routinely draw in large crowds, making neighbors the place to be.视频和声音系统,多个酒吧,大氛围通常吸引大量人群,使邻居成为应有的场所。 The club opened in 1983 and has a long and established history of providing amazing gay clubbing experiences in a welcoming and inclusive environment.该俱乐部于XNUMX年开业,在欢迎和包容的环境中提供令人惊叹的同性恋俱乐部经历已有悠久的历史。 Neighbors is known for its diverse crowd, legendary drag shows and late-night food service.邻居以其多样的人群,传奇的现场表演和深夜的美食服务而闻名。

    西雅图最好的同志俱乐部之一,拥有震撼的电子节奏和先进的音响系统, 小马 is the place to go for a lively night out in Seattle.是在西雅图度过一个热闹的夜晚的地方。 The club is popular amongst the city's edgier gay crowd and has an effortlessly cool atmosphere, the venue was previously a gas station, and has kept many of the original industrial features.该俱乐部在该市的教育同志人群中很受欢迎,气氛轻松自在,场地以前是加油站,并保留了许多原始的工业特色。 Pony is a great place to end a night on Capitol Hill and is also one of the best places to meet gay locals, and the spacious outside deck provides ample area to chat and connect.小马是在国会山度过一个夜晚的好地方,也是结识同性恋当地人的最佳场所之一,宽敞的户外甲板提供了充裕的聊天区和联系处。


    西雅图是美国自由表达和自由态度的枢纽,因此,西雅图的大多数酒店和住宿都可以被视为同性恋友好场所。 西雅图华威酒店 is a stunning gay-friendly Downtown hotel.是一家令人惊叹的同性恋友好市区酒店。 This popular venue boasts panoramic skyline views and contemporary rooms that are decorated to a stylish standard.这个受欢迎的场所可欣赏到天际线全景,并按照时尚的标准装饰现代客房。 The hotel features a full range of facilities including a pool and gym.酒店设有包括游泳池和健身房在内的全套设施。 The city's downtown and many gay nightlife venues are just a short walk away.该城市的市中心和许多同性恋夜生活场所都只有几步之遥。

    酒店1000 is one of Seattle's most stylish and minimalist hotels and is ideally located in the bustling Downtown area.是西雅图最时尚和简约的酒店之一,地理位置优越,位于繁华的市区。 From here, guests are within walking distance of the gay neighborhood of Capitol Hill as well as many of the city's best restaurants and bars.从这里,客人步行即可到达国会山同性恋街区以及该市许多最好的餐馆和酒吧。 The hotel features great on-site dining as well as a lively bar and lounge.该酒店提供一流的现场用餐以及热闹的酒吧和休息室。

    同性恋旅客寻找更豪华和奢华的住宿时,应考虑 摩纳哥酒店。 This plush and comfortable hotel offers guests a great range of amenities as well as stylish and trendy rooms with a great location.这家豪华舒适的酒店为客人提供各种便利设施以及位置优越的时尚客房。



    The Seattle–Tacoma International Airport welcomes flights and travelers from across the globe and is the largest airport in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA.西雅图塔科马国际机场欢迎来自全球的航班和旅客,并且是美国西北太平洋地区最大的机场。 One of the busiest airports in the USA, passengers can travel from any of the terminals to the city's Downtown area in less than an hour.作为美国最繁忙的机场之一,乘客可以在不到一个小时的时间内从任何一个候机楼前往城市的市区。

    The Light Link rail service arrives at the airport's main rail terminal every 10 minutes and is a no-transfer, direct journey from the airport to the Downtown area.轻轨铁路服务每40分钟一班到达机场的主要铁路终点站,并且是从机场到市区的直达旅程。 The network is easy to navigate and the journey should take roughly around XNUMX-minutes.该网络易于导航,整个旅程大约需要XNUMX分钟。 Alternatively, there are numerous shuttle, bus and taxi options available at any of the terminals.另外,任何一个候机楼都提供众多班车,巴士和出租车选项。



    Seattle Link轻轨是一种地面火车系统,在整个城市的多个网络上运行。 The main light-rail route runs directly from Angle Lake Station to the University of Washington, and through downtown Seattle making 14 stops along the way.轻轨主要路线直接从安格莱克湖站到华盛顿大学,再经过西雅图市中心,沿途有XNUMX个站点。 Many of these stops are central and will give you access to the city's top tourist attractions.这些停靠站中的许多都位于中央,可让您前往城市的顶级旅游景点。



    The city bus is fast and efficient however it can get crowded and in summer months it can get very stuffy.城市公交车既快速又高效,但是拥挤不堪,在夏季,它会变得很闷。 To ride the bus you can either get an ORCA card- passes that allow you to use the city's public transport, or download the mobile app to purchase and pay for tickets.要乘坐公共汽车,您可以获取ORCA卡通行证,以使您可以使用城市的公共交通工具,也可以下载移动应用程序来购买和支付车票。


    The Seattle streetcars connect the city's Downtown to the vibrant and artistic South Lake Union neighbourhood.西雅图有轨电车将城市的市中心与充满活力和艺术气息的南湖联盟(South Lake Union)社区连接起来。 The network also takes riders to and from the large waterfront park and one of the city's most bustling shopping and dining districts.该网络还可以将乘客带入大型海滨公园和该市最繁华的购物和餐饮区之一。 Fares are generally affordable and the streetcars run from around 6 am until late evening.票价通常是可以负担的,有轨电车的运行时间是从早上XNUMX点到深夜。



    西雅图到处都是现代建筑杰作、开放的绿地和艺术奇观,还有世界上第一家星巴克。 一些最好的事情包括:

    • 爬太空针
    • 在派克市场集市上购物
    • 参观位于派克市场的世界第一家星巴克店
    • 参观奇胡利花园和玻璃
    • 探索流行文化博物馆
    • 走过口香糖墙
    • 逃离熙熙to的发现公园
    • 在联盟湖的绿色河畔放松身心

    阅读更多: 西雅图景点.



    XNUMX月至XNUMX月被多次视为访问西雅图的最佳时间。 The weather at this time is mild but still pleasant and without the freezing lows that the city experiences in winter.此时的天气温和但仍宜人,没有该城市冬天遇到的最低气温。 Autumn brings clear skies with no rain, making it a great time to explore.秋天带来晴朗的天空,没有雨,是探索的绝佳时机。 This is also the period when the majority of festivals and events take place in Seattle.这也是大多数节日和活动都在西雅图举行的时期。




    There is an abundance of ATM machines around Seattle, and the majority of venues will accept both credit and debit cards.西雅图周围有大量的ATM机,大多数场馆都接受信用卡和借记卡。 However, some ATM machines and card readers may add an additional fee for transactions attempted with overseas cards.但是,某些ATM机和读卡器可能会为尝试使用国外卡进行交易收取额外费用。 The accepted and expected rates of tipping in Seattle are 15-20% for good service.良好服务的西雅图小费的可接受和期望率为XNUMX-XNUMX%。

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