Planning to visit Philadelphia?打算参观费城? Then our gay Philadelphia city guide is for you.然后,我们的费城同性恋同志城市向导将为您服务。
Philadelphia is a bright and bustling centre of cosmopolitan living and the capital of Pennsylvania.费城是宾夕法尼亚州首府大都会的繁华中心。 A hub of culture, both old and new, the city is one of the most globally influential in the USA boasting landmarks such as the Liberty Bell and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.这座城市是新旧文化的枢纽,是美国最具全球影响力的城市之一,拥有诸如自由钟和本杰明·富兰克林百汇等地标。
A mecca for LGBT+ individuals, Philadelphia has a large, diverse and passionate gay scene that boasts an impressive and varied range of gay bars and clubs.费城是同性恋,双性恋和变性者(LGBT +)个人的圣地,拥有众多多样且充满激情的同性恋场所,拥有令人印象深刻且种类繁多的同性恋酒吧和俱乐部。 Philadelphia was also where the first major LGBT+ rights demonstration took place in 1965 and has been dedicated to supporting LGBT+ individual's rights to equality, dignity and respect since.费城也是XNUMX年举行的第一场主要LGBT +权利示威活动的地方,自那时以来一直致力于支持LGBT +个人的平等,尊严和尊重的权利。
Same-sex marriage was legalised in Pennsylvania in 2014, and now same-sex families enjoy the same benefits and rights as heterosexual families.同性婚姻于2008年在宾夕法尼亚州合法化,现在同性家庭享有与异性家庭相同的利益和权利。 Philadelphia is one of a few cities in the state to explicitly mention gender identity and sexual orientation in its anti-discrimination laws and therefore LGBT+ individuals are protected by law from wrongful and illegal treatment.费城是该州在反歧视法律中明确提及性别认同和性取向的少数几个城市之一,因此LGBT +个人受到法律的保护,免受非法和非法待遇。 Pennsylvania did have a hate crime law that recognised homophobia and transphobia as motivators for violent crime, however, this bill was struck down in XNUMX and was never replaced.宾夕法尼亚州确实有一项仇恨犯罪法律,承认同性恋恐惧症和跨性别恐惧症是暴力犯罪的诱因,但该法案于XNUMX年被废除,从未被取代。
Philadelphia has one of the largest and most diverse gay scenes in the country.费城是该国最大,最多样化的同性恋场面之一。 The city was the first in the world to include black and brown stripes on its official pride flags, reflecting it's inclusive identity.这座城市是世界上第一个在其官方骄傲旗帜上包括黑色和棕色条纹的城市,反映出其包容性。 There is a range of gay bars and clubs in the city that cater to all interests and tastes.该市有各种各样的同性恋酒吧和俱乐部,可满足所有兴趣和喜好。
费城的主要同性恋区是华盛顿广场西,这是该市繁华而迷人的LGBT +文化枢纽,也是许多同性恋酒吧和俱乐部的所在地。 禁忌 was the first gay sports bar in the city and now occupies a three-storey premises, showing sports throughout the day and into the night.是该市第一家同性恋运动酒吧,如今占据一栋三层楼的场所,白天和黑夜都显示体育节目。 The bar boasts a spacious rooftop deck offering stunning views across Philadelphia's skyline.酒吧拥有宽敞的屋顶甲板,可欣赏费城天际线的壮丽景色。
酒吧如 吧台 和 义和团 在该市同性恋区的中心地带,提供休闲放松的饮酒环境,是前往大型俱乐部(例如, 伍迪的.
The best location to stay in Philadelphia depends on what you'll be doing in the city.费城的最佳住宿地点取决于您在这座城市将要做什么。 If sightseeing is at the top of your itinerary consider staying in the Old Town, the home of many of Philadelphia's top landmarks as well as being a historic and well-connected part of the city.如果观光是您行程的重中之重,请考虑住在费城许多著名地标的所在地,也是这座城市历史悠久且人脉相通的部分的老城区。 The most popular destination amongst gay travelers, however, is Washington Square West, the city's gay district, with a selection of gay-friendly hotels and incredible LGBT+ nightlife.然而,在同性恋旅行者中,最受欢迎的目的地是该市的同性恋区华盛顿广场西,这里有许多同性恋友好酒店和令人难以置信的LGBT +夜生活。
对于希望住在华盛顿广场西及其周围地区的同性恋旅行者而言,一些最佳选择是 独立酒店, 亚历山大旅馆 和 沃里克酒店。 These hotels will allow you to easily access the area's gay venues and landmarks as well as travel around the wider city.这些酒店可让您轻松前往该地区的同性恋场所和地标,以及在更广阔的城市中旅行。
Philadelphia is home to a small but popular selection of well-maintained gay saunas.费城拥有少量但受欢迎的,维护良好的同性恋桑拿浴室。 One of the most popular venues is最受欢迎的场所之一是 费城俱乐部,该市首屈一指的同性恋桑拿浴,毗邻同性恋村庄和该地区许多俱乐部和酒吧。 Club Philly attracts crowds of both locals and tourists with its range of facilities including a gym, steam room, private cabins and VIP areas.费城俱乐部(Club Philly)的设施包括健身房,蒸汽浴室,私人小木屋和VIP区,吸引了当地人和游客。
城市中的许多桑拿浴室将传统设施与健身房或健身中心结合在一起,包括 Sansom街体育馆 - 桑拿浴室、游轮俱乐部和健身房。
Philadelphia is served by the Philadephia International Airport which is situated around 7 miles from the city's Downtown.费城由费城国际机场(Philadephia International Airport)提供服务,该机场距离城市市区约31.7英里。 It's a large and busy airport which is utilized by 20 million passengers annually, making it the XNUMXth busy airport in the USA.这是一个繁忙的大型机场,每年有XNUMX万人次使用,使其成为美国第XNUMX个繁忙的机场。
The fastest and most popular method for tourists to get to the Downtown area is by Regional Rail.对于游客来说,到达市区的最快和最受欢迎的方法是乘坐区域铁路。 This train line stops at all of the airport's major terminals and transports passengers to the city in around 25 minutes.该火车线路在机场的所有主要候机楼停靠,大约XNUMX分钟即可将乘客运送到城市。 The train is only payable with cash but the fares tend to be reasonably priced.火车只能用现金支付,但票价往往是合理的。
Philly Phlash的门票非常实惠,可以购买多日或一周的门票。
Taxies are plentiful in Philadelphia and can be found across the city.费城的出租车很多,遍布整个城市。 There are designated transport hubs at major locations throughout Philadelphia, and here you will easily be able to find a taxi.在费城的主要地区都有指定的交通枢纽,在这里您可以轻松找到出租车。 Two of the main transport hubs are Philadelphia International Airport and William H. Gray III 30th Street Station.费城国际机场和威廉·H·格雷三世XNUMX街车站是两个主要的交通枢纽。 Uber and Lyft are also popular alternatives when traveling the city, and ridesharing is commonplace here.在城市旅行时,Uber和Lyft也是最受欢迎的选择,而乘车共享在这里很普遍。
Indego是一项全市范围的自行车共享计划,可让您在城市中的多个枢纽上上下车。 Bike hire is reasonably priced and once booked, the bikes can be used for 24 hours.租用自行车价格合理,一旦预订,自行车可使用1,500小时。 There are around XNUMX bikes as part of the scheme meaning you shouldn't have any trouble locating one.作为该计划的一部分,大约有XNUMX辆自行车,这意味着您在寻找一辆自行车时不会有任何麻烦。
There are endless possibilities when it comes to things to do in Philadelphia.费城要做的事有无穷的可能性。 However, the most notable attractions include:但是,最著名的景点包括:
- 参观费城艺术博物馆
- 探索阅读终端市场
- 参观费城市政厅
- 在国际大都会区购物
- 漫步爱情公园
了解更多: 费城景点玩乐.
Philadelphia experiences all four seasons pretty extremely with boiling hot summers and often freezing winters.费城在炎热的夏季和寒冷的冬季经常经历四个季节。 As such, the mildest and most pleasant weather normally occurs in spring or autumn.因此,最温和和最宜人的天气通常发生在春季或秋季。
There are thousands of ATM machines across Philadelphia, and most, if not all, establishments will accept credit and debit cards.费城各地有成千上万的ATM机,而且大多数(即使不是全部)企业也会接受信用卡和借记卡。 However, some ATM machines and card readers may add an additional fee for transactions attempted with overseas cards.但是,某些ATM机和读卡器可能会为尝试使用海外卡进行交易收取额外费用。
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