


    Brighton is a party city on the south coast.布赖顿是南海岸的派对城市。 Hailed as the gay capital of the UK, it's a very liberal place with an anything-goes vibe.被誉为英国的同性恋之都,这是一个非常自由的地方,气氛万千。 Brighton is credited with inventing the so-called “dirty weekend.”布赖顿被认为发明了“肮脏的周末”。 Before foreign travel became affordable, Brighton was a top resort destination.在外国旅行负担得起之前,布赖顿是一个顶级度假胜地。 It was a place where conservative social mores were suspended.这是一个保守的社会习俗被暂停的地方。 If walls could talk, this city would thrill and shock you in equal measure.如果墙壁能说话,这座城市将同样使您激动和震惊。

    Unlike other seaside towns in the UK, Brighton hasn't sunk into decline.与英国其他海滨小镇不同,布赖顿并未陷入衰退。 It's proximity to London, buzzing nightlife and large LGBT+ population give it a unique energy.它靠近伦敦,繁华的夜生活和大量的LGBT +人口为其赋予了独特的活力。 It's one of the most exciting and also one of the most expensive places in the country.这是该国最令人兴奋的地方,也是最昂贵的地方之一。 Brighton is quite small so you can walk around very easily.布莱顿很小,因此您可以轻松地走走。 Ready for your dirty weekend?准备好度过肮脏的周末了吗? Here's our insider's guide to Brighton.这是我们对布莱顿的内部指南。





    By far the most famous attraction in Brighton, the Royal Pavilion is one of the campest buildings in the UK.迄今为止,布莱顿皇家馆是布莱顿最著名的景点,是英国最露营的建筑之一。 The Prince of Wales, later Prince Regent and George IV, had the Pavilion built as a seaside pleasure palace.威尔士亲王(后来的摄政王和乔治四世)将凉亭建造为海滨游乐宫殿。 He was obsessed with the east, even though he never went there.即使他从未去过东方,他还是沉迷于东方。 He wanted his palace to be like something from the Arabian Nights.他希望自己的宫殿像“阿拉伯之夜”一样。 He got his wish.他如愿以偿。

    工程于 1787 年动工,直到 1823 年才竣工。不遗余力。 他从中国寄来了手绘壁纸和家具。 布莱顿皇家行宫是一座奢侈的殿堂,有些人会认为品味低劣。 简而言之,这座建筑完美地概括了布莱顿。 您可以坐在凉亭花园里,还可以参观一些奢华的内部装饰。





    Gay Pride in Brighton evolved from fairly humble beginnings in the 1990s.布赖顿的同性恋自豪感(Gay Pride)起源于2021年代。 It's now considered to be one of the biggest and best gay Pride events on earth.现在,它被认为是地球上最大,最好的同性恋骄傲事件之一。 Recent headliners include Britney Spears, Grace Jones, Chic and the Pet Shop Boys.最近的头条新闻包括小甜甜布兰妮,格蕾丝·琼斯,别致和宠物店男孩。 Mariah Carey was due to headline in XNUMX, but a global pandemic scuppered that.玛丽亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey)原定于XNUMX年成为头条新闻,但全球大流行使这一情况黯然失色。

    Pride in London is really a parade and then loads of after-parties.对伦敦的骄傲真的是一场游行,然后是大量的晚会。 London is so huge its Pride celebration isn't really cohesive, although it's very fun!伦敦是如此之大,尽管庆祝非常有趣,但骄傲庆典并没有真正凝聚力! As Brighton is so compact, the whole city becomes a big gay party.由于布赖顿是如此紧凑,整个城市变成了一个大型的同性恋聚会。 It's like gay Glastonburry.就像同性恋的格拉斯顿伯里。 Gay Pride in Brighton is a destination event.布莱顿的同性恋骄傲活动是一项目的地赛事。 如果您想预订酒店,请提早预订!





    这不是柔软​​的沙滩,这不是法属波利尼西亚。 布莱顿的海滩由鹅卵石组成。 至少鞋子里不会进沙子。 布莱顿海滩在整个夏季通常都挤满了人。 您可以沿着布莱顿著名的码头漫步。 它非常俗气,而且更有吸引力。 沿着海滩向霍夫方向再走一点,您就会发现西码头。 它于 1975 年关闭。2003 年在一次纵火袭击中被毁。 西码头烧焦的遗迹已成为布莱顿最具标志性的纪念碑之一。 这就像哥特式童话故事中的东西。

    You can stroll from the main pier in the direction of the marina to find the nudist beach.您可以从主码头向码头方向漫步,找到裸体主义者海滩。 The nudist beach tends to attract a lot of LGBT+ people.裸体主义者海滩往往吸引了许多LGBT +人。




    布莱顿拥有许多古色古香的商店和艺术画廊,大部分都位于The Lanes。 这是市中心的一条蜿蜒曲折的旧世界街道。 迷失在巷子里,探索历史悠久的珠宝店、咖啡馆、酒吧和餐馆。

    Protectionist measures have preserved The Lanes in their full glory.贸易保护主义措施使“巷道”得以保留。 You won't find chain stores in The Lanes.在The Lanes中找不到连锁店。 It's a haven of independent shops and a magnet for vintage enthusiasts.这是独立商店的天堂,是复古爱好者的天堂。





    Brighton has one of the highest LGBT+ populations in Europe.布赖顿拥有欧洲最高的LGBT +人口之一。 This was, as we established, the home of the dirty weekend.正如我们确定的那样,这是肮脏周末的家。 A place where the ordinary rules didn't fully apply.普通规则未完全适用的地方。 It inevitably became a draw for LGBT+ people in less liberal times.在不那么自由的时代,这不可避免地成为LGBT +人群的吸引力。

    当您在 The Lanes 找到一家商店后,就可以沿着路前往圣詹姆斯街 - 它就在码头旁边。 沿着圣詹姆斯街你会发现很多 同性恋酒吧。 You'll find even more along the seafront.您会在海滨发现更多。 The most famous gay club in Brighton is probably Revenge.布赖顿最著名的同性恋俱乐部可能是复仇。 It's the biggest gay club in the South outside of London.这是伦敦南部最大的同性恋俱乐部。





    If you'd like to take a day trip from Brighton, Seven Sisters is a great choice.如果您想从布莱顿(Brighton)一日游,七姐妹(Seven Sisters)是一个不错的选择。 As long as you like walking and cliffs!只要您喜欢步行和悬崖! There are plenty of buses from Brighton to Seven Sisters.从布莱顿到七姐妹有很多巴士。 It's around a 40-minute drive.开车约6分钟。 You'll need around XNUMX hours to do the full Seven Sisters walk.您将需要大约XNUMX个小时来完成七姐妹之行。 It makes for one of the most spectacular walks in the UK.它是英国最壮观的步行路线之一。

    七姐妹峰由七个白垩悬崖组成,沿着南丘陵排列。 英格兰著名的白色悬崖直插到下面的海滩。 如果您感到眩晕,没关系 - 只是不要走得太靠近边缘。 步道尽头有一家不错的咖啡馆,还有返回布莱顿的直达巴士路线。 您还可以参观海滩并在海里游泳。




    文学和设计爱好者一定会被查尔斯顿所吸引。 这里是布卢姆斯伯里战时的隐居地,也是凡妮莎·贝尔和邓肯·格兰特的乡间别墅。 这是布鲁姆斯伯里时代保存最完好的财产 - 其他财产在闪电战期间被炸毁。 从布莱顿 (Brighton) 驾车 30 分钟即可抵达刘易斯 (Firle) 的查尔斯顿信托基金会 (Charleston Trust)。 装饰很神圣。 关于查尔斯顿居民错综复杂的浪漫事迹的故事非常疯狂。

    From Charleston, you can take a trip to Lewes, a charming and quite posh town up the road.从查尔斯顿(Charleston),您可以前往马路(Lewes),这是一个迷人而时尚的小镇。 It's very English and a good place for some food and a well earned drink before taking the train back to Brighton.这是非常英语的地方,也是乘火车返回布莱顿之前吃点东西和赚钱的好地方。

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