First time in Toronto?第一次来多伦多吗? Then our gay Toronto city guide page is a good place to start.然后,我们的同性恋多伦多城市指南页面就是一个不错的起点。
Toronto is a bustling, vibrant and fun hub of cosmopolitan culture.多伦多是一个繁华,生机勃勃,有趣的大都会文化中心。 With its diverse population, high standard of living and rich culture, the city is routinely described as one of the best places in the world to live.这座城市人口众多,生活水平高,文化底蕴深厚,通常被称为世界上最好的居住地之一。 The city is Canada's largest and the fourth-largest in North America with a population of almost 3 million and over 200 cultures.该市是加拿大最大,北美第四大城市,人口近XNUMX万,拥有XNUMX多种文化。
这座城市还拥有北美最热闹、最具活力的同性恋场景之一,LGBT+ 人士开诚布公、自豪地生活。 有大量的同性恋酒吧、俱乐部和酒店,主要集中在多伦多的同性恋区 Church 和 Wellesley。
LGBT+ rights in Canada are some of the most advanced in the Americas and much of the Canadian LGBT+ population enjoy a full set of protections and rights.加拿大的LGBT +权利是美洲最先进的一些权利,加拿大的大部分LGBT +人口享有全套保护和权利。 In Toronto specifically, the gay population is evident and obvious and gay travelers will notice the many pride flags dotted around the city.特别是在多伦多,同性恋人口显而易见,同性恋旅行者会注意到遍布城市的许多骄傲旗帜。 Canada was one of the first countries to create a third gender option on official documents for individuals who identify as non-binary.加拿大是第一个在正式文件中为识别为非二进制的个人创建第三种性别选择的国家之一。
Toronto is home to Canada's largest gay village and the area has a dense and concentrated selection of gay bars and clubs.多伦多是加拿大最大的同性恋村庄的所在地,该地区有众多同性恋酒吧和夜总会。 The gay nightlife in the district is varied and inclusive and there's a gay night suited to any traveler's interests and tastes.该地区的同性恋夜生活多种多样,包容各方,并且有适合任何旅行者兴趣和品味的同性恋夜。
在教堂和韦尔斯利同性恋村中发现的许多同性恋酒吧和俱乐部都是全球公认的标志性同性恋文化和社区机构,包括 伍迪的 - 美国版传奇电影《酷儿即民间》的主要拍摄地之一。 阅读更多: 多伦多同性恋指南.
多伦多拥有一些世界上最现代、最创新的酒店,同性恋旅行者的最佳住宿地点是市中心或教堂和韦尔斯利同性恋村。 这些地点为想要方便舒适地体验多伦多的同性恋旅行者提供了中心基地。 酒店如 多伦多万怡酒店, 华美达广场酒店 和 城镇套房酒店 所有酒店都为客人提供位于城市同性恋村教堂和韦尔斯利中心的时尚住宿体验。
多伦多还拥有一系列更豪华的5星级酒店,例如 四个季节,在城市传奇的同性恋区附近,优雅与精致的完美融合。 The hotel offers guests a variety of amenities including a large spa, swimming pool and in-house high-end restaurant.酒店为客人提供各种便利设施,包括大型水疗中心,游泳池和内部高端餐厅。
Toronto boasts a large selection of gay saunas, many of which are open 24/7.多伦多拥有众多同性恋桑拿房,其中许多都是XNUMX/XNUMX开放的。 One of the most popular venues in the city is该市最受欢迎的场所之一是 了Steamworks,大型且维护良好的桑拿浴室和健身房,位于标志性教堂街的中心位置。 Steamworks吸引着当地人和游客,并且全天24小时营业。 The sauna features a range of facilities including a gym, hot-tubs, private cabins and glory holes.桑拿浴室提供各种设施,包括健身房,热水浴缸,私人小屋和光荣洞。
Toronto is served by Toronto Pearson International Airport which is located about 30 km from the city's Downtown area.多伦多由多伦多皮尔逊国际机场提供服务,该机场距市区市区约12公里。 It is the largest and busiest airport in Canada and offers connections to most major global destinations.它是加拿大最大,最繁忙的机场,可直达大多数主要的全球目的地。 There are two terminals.有两个终端。 Terminal One is the largest in Canada and the XNUMXth largest in the world.第一航站楼是加拿大最大的航站楼,也是世界第XNUMX大航站楼。 Terminal Three is the second, and smaller of the pair.第三航站楼是第二个航站楼,并且较小。
游客前往城市最流行和最便捷的方式是乘坐出租车。 这些可在航站楼外立即使用。 预计要支付大约 50-60 美元才能进入市中心。 多伦多拥有庞大的出租车车队,所有出租车都是单程车费,没有价格暴涨。 城里的出租车是私人拥有的,站在路边等候即可轻松招呼。 或者,优步车辆高度集中,价格稍贵但有时更方便。
Union Pearson Express火车从Pearson机场到多伦多市中心的Union Station。 The journey takes only 25-minutes and an adult one-way fare from Pearson to Union is $12.35.旅程仅需XNUMX分钟,从皮尔逊到联盟的成人单程票价为$ XNUMX。
Buses are an efficient way of getting around Toronto and have the added bonus of allowing you to view the city as you travel.公共汽车是绕过多伦多的一种有效方式,并且具有让您在旅途中查看城市的额外好处。 Bus stops can be identified by a white poll with red horizontal bands.可以通过带有红色水平带的白色民意识别公交车站。 Tickets are generally inexpensive and passes can be purchased for weekends and weekdays.门票通常很便宜,周末和工作日都可以购买通票。
The most popular way to travel amongst locals, the metro is frequent, cheap and fast, making it the perfect travel alternative.地铁是当地人中最流行的旅行方式,它频繁,便宜且快速,是理想的旅行选择。 The city's metro network runs from 6 am to 1.30 am and trains top at all stations along the line.该市的地铁网络是从早上XNUMX点到凌晨XNUMX,并且在沿线所有车站的火车上都经过训练。 Tickets can be purchased with either cash or card and the majority of stations are completely accessible for users of reduced mobility.可以用现金或卡购买门票,行动不便的用户可以完全使用大多数车站。 The best way to plan metro travel in Toronto is by downloading the Toronto Transit Commission's interactive subway map.计划多伦多地铁旅行的最佳方法是下载多伦多运输委员会的交互式地铁地图。
There are limitless possibilities when it comes to things to do in Toronto.在多伦多,要做的事有无限的可能性。 However, the most important attractions include:但是,最重要的景点包括:
- 攀登加拿大国家电视塔
- 探索卡萨洛马
- 在高公园度过一天
- 在圣劳伦斯市场购物
- 沉浸在皇家安大略博物馆
- 参观 Hanlan's Point 的同性恋海滩
阅读更多: 多伦多景点
For visits of less than 180 days, USA travelers do not need a visa to enter Canada.对于少于1天的访问,美国旅行者不需要签证即可进入加拿大。 For trips longer than this period, individuals must apply for a Canadian visa- this process can take 2-XNUMX months.对于超过此期限的旅行,个人必须申请加拿大签证-此过程可能需要XNUMX-XNUMX个月。 Travelers from outside the USA should check the Canadian visa regulations for their home country before visiting.来自美国境外的旅行者在访问之前,应查看其本国的加拿大签证规定。
Toronto is not a cheap city.多伦多不是一个便宜的城市。 In fact, it's Canada's most expensive.实际上,这是加拿大最昂贵的。 Prices are as marked and the bill tends to include a 13% 'harmonised sales tax', however, it's generally expected that individuals round up that figure to 18% or higher for good to exceptional service.价格已标明,该法案倾向于包含XNUMX%的“统一销售税”,但是,通常希望个人将这一数字提高到XNUMX%或更高,以获得优质服务。 The currency in Toronto is the Canadian Dollar.多伦多的货币是加拿大元。
Credit and debit cards are widely accepted in the city, however, it is recommended that travelers carry a small amount of cash for small and independent stores which may not accept cards.信用卡和借记卡在该城市已被广泛接受,但是,建议旅客携带少量现金去可能不接受卡的小型独立商店。 ATM machines are plentiful in Toronto, but they may charge a fee for withdrawals from overseas cards.多伦多有很多自动取款机,但从海外卡取款可能会收取一定费用。
Spring and fall are generally the best times to visit Toronto.通常,春季和秋季是参观多伦多的最佳时间。 During these periods gay travelers can take full advantage of the smaller crowds, milder weather and selection of cultural events.在这些时期,同性恋旅行者可以充分利用较小的人群,较温和的天气和各种文化活动。 In spring, the streets of the city are alive and bustling and the sidewalks come alive with open-air markets, outside eateries and street performers, however, the nicer weather tends to mean higher prices for hotels and flights, so the cheapest time to visit the city is in winter.春季,城市的街道充满生机和热闹,人行道上充满了露天市场,户外餐厅和街头表演者的气息,然而,天气转好往往意味着酒店和航班的价格较高,因此游览时间最便宜这个城市是冬天。
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