


    北美拥有一些世界上最古老、最著名和迷人的同性恋社区,充满了历史和同性恋夜生活场所。 如果您正在寻找一个很棒的同性恋社区,请务必继续阅读。

    可以说,随着 LGBT+ 权利的浪潮以及人们对性别认同和性取向的接受程度不断提高,21 世纪对独特的同性恋社区的需求有所减少。 然而,同性恋社区仍然发挥着重要作用。 无论是保护 LGBT+ 文化、让活动人士几十年来的斗争永垂不朽,还是继续为 LGBT+ 青年提供安全的空间,这些地区都代表着差异之美。 更重要的是,其中许多地区都跻身世界最佳派对区之列。






    Few cities can strike a balance between preserved historical significance and a lively, thriving, and established gay scene quite like New Orleans.很少有城市能像新奥尔良一样,在保留的历史意义和生动活泼,成熟的同性恋氛围之间取得平衡。 The French Quarter is as charming as it is chaotic and as refined as it is hedonistic.法国区(French Quarter)既混乱又迷人,而享乐主义则精致。 The area is home to a vast number of gay clubs and bars, including some of the oldest in the USA.该地区拥有众多同性恋俱乐部和酒吧,其中包括美国最古老的一些同性恋俱乐部。 When walking around the French Quarter it is hard to miss the abundance of establishments and artworks dedicated to the city's relationship with the supernatural and the occult.在法国区(French Quarter)漫步时,不容错过致力于与这座城市与超自然和神秘主义关系的众多场所和艺术品。

    New Orleans has long been considered one of the country's most haunted cities, with centuries of mythology detailing encounters with witches, zombies and vampires.长期以来,新奥尔良一直被认为是该国闹鬼的城市之一,数百年来神话传说中详细介绍了女巫,僵尸和吸血鬼的遭遇。 A hub of creativity, music, and culture for decades, the French Quarter is one of the most recognizable neighborhoods in the USA.几十年来,法国区一直是创意,音乐和文化的枢纽,是美国最知名的社区之一。

    新奥尔良时间最长的同性恋酒吧是 角口袋。 Corner Pocket是当地同性恋场景的主要内容,经常举办法国区一些最好的主题之夜和现场表演。 阅读更多: 新奥尔良同性恋指南.





    地狱厨房就像他们来的那样时髦。 纽约的同性恋社区曾经集中在东村和格林威治的波西米亚社区,然而,近年来地狱厨房巩固了其作为该市主要同性恋区的声誉。 就像世界上许多其他同性恋区一样,地狱厨房曾经是纽约一个危险、肮脏、肮脏的社区——顾名思义——在被开发并转变为该市同性恋人群闪亮的高档住宅之前。 这里有很多同性恋酒吧、俱乐部,甚至还有会员俱乐部。 纽约的所有同性恋旅行者都应该从地狱厨房开始他们的夜晚。 阅读更多: 地狱厨房中最好的同性恋酒吧.





    The windy city is a patchwork quilt of distinct and varied neighborhoods.多风的城市是一个拼凑而成的被子,周围各有不同。 Andersonville is one such neighborhood, a sprawling but relaxed enclave of the LGBT+ community and an alternative lifestyle.安德森维尔(Andersonville)就是这样一个社区,是LGBT +社区的一片广阔而又轻松的飞地,是另类生活方式。 Known for its pleasant and charming streets, Andersonville is the best place in the city for small coffee shops, independent boutiques, and music shops.安德森维尔(Andersonville)以其宜人而迷人的街道而闻名,是城市中小型咖啡馆,独立精品店和音乐商店的最佳去处。 The gayborhood has a long history of providing a safe haven to the outsiders and outcasts of Chicago, with thousands of LGBT+ people moving here throughout the end of the 20th century.同性恋聚会在向芝加哥的局外人和流浪者提供避风港的历史悠久,在整个XNUMX世纪末,成千上万的LGBT +人搬到这里。

    Sidetrack可以说是芝加哥最受欢迎的同性恋俱乐部,并且拥有多个舞池和宽敞的屋顶露台。 The mixed gay crowd here is inclusive and welcoming and you're guaranteed to have a judgment-free night.这里混杂的同性恋人群是包容和热情的,保证您有一个没有评判的夜晚。 阅读更多: 芝加哥同性恋指南.


    墨西哥城Zona Rosa



    作为墨西哥城多元文化主义、表达方式和自由价值观的堡垒,Zona Rosa 是该市最具标志性和色彩缤纷的社区之一。 Zona Rosa 翻译成英语的意思是“粉红区”——这个名字很适合墨西哥城最大、最著名的同性恋社区。 该地区近年来日益发展,拥有宽敞的步行街和高档商店和餐馆。

    Mexico City is a sprawling metropolis which at times can be chaotic and overwhelming to explore.墨西哥城是一个繁华的大都市,有时可能是混乱而无所适从的探索之地。 Zona Rosa is a great destination for tourists as it is home to multiple attractions and an abundance of nightlife and entertainment venues.佐纳罗莎(Zona Rosa)是游客的理想目的地,因为它拥有多个景点以及丰富的夜生活和娱乐场所。 The area is easy to explore and is, at times, less frantic than wider Mexico City.该地区很容易探索,有时不如更广阔的墨西哥城那么疯狂。

    Zona Rosa的主要街道是Calle Amberes,这是该地区LGBT +文化的中心。 A dense and concentrated selection of gay bars and clubs populate Amberes and in the evening the streets are often packed with gay partyers.大量的同性恋酒吧和夜总会遍布安伯斯(Amberes),傍晚时分,街头经常挤满同性恋派对。 With something happening on every corner of this bustling neighborhood, Zona Rosa boasts a palpable atmosphere of liveliness and energy.在这个熙熙neighborhood的社区的每个角落都发生了什么事,Zona Rosa拥有生动而活泼的氛围。 阅读更多: 墨西哥城同性恋指南.





    西好莱坞是洛杉矶同性恋社区和文化的主要目的地,可以说是世界上最知名的同性恋社区。 该地区拥有大量神秘的同性恋人口,WeHo 超过 40% 的人口被认定为 LGBT+,这一点在其任何标志性林荫大道上漫步时都会引人注目。 该地区也是高档生活方式和零售中心,西好莱坞的街道上开设了一些时尚界大牌的旗舰店。

    该街区是美国最集中、最有前途的同性恋夜生活场所之一,拥有 25 家同性恋酒吧和俱乐部,可满足各种兴趣和品味。 夜幕降临后,西好莱坞的中心是圣莫尼卡大道,街上充满了同性恋当地人和渴望体验西好莱坞派对文化的游客。 该地区最大且 西好莱坞最好的同性恋酒吧 作为表达和享乐主义的堡垒而获得了全球认同,包括 米奇修道院. 阅读更多: 西好莱坞景点.





    You wouldn't necessarily expect to find a vibrant, forward-thinking, and bustling gay district in the capital of French Canada, but Montreal has actually been one of North America's gayest cities for decades, leading the way for gay rights across the continent and setting a global standard for the treatment of LGBT+ people.您不一定期望在加拿大法属首府找到一个充满活力,前瞻性和繁华的同性恋区,但数十年来,蒙特利尔实际上一直是北美最同性恋的城市之一,在整个欧洲大陆和加拿大为同性恋权利开辟了道路为LGBT +人群的治疗制定全球标准。 The gayborhood in the city is affectionately known as a “The Village” and is the epicenter of all things gay in Montreal.这座城市的同性恋社区被亲切地称为“村庄”,是蒙特利尔所有同性恋者的中心。 Centered around Sainte-Catherine Street, the area's gay nightlife scene is vast and varied, with venues geared towards all interests and tastes.该地区以圣凯瑟琳街为中心,该地区的同性恋夜生活场景辽阔多样,其场所适合所有兴趣和品味。

    皇冠上的宝石是蒙特利尔的同性恋村庄, 歌舞表演 Cabaret Mado绝对不容错过,应该在蒙特利尔所有同志旅行者的行程中出现。 阅读更多: 探索蒙特利尔的同性恋村.





    Few locations are as synonymous with the struggle for LGBT+ rights in the USA as San Fransisco and in particular The Castro gayborhood.在美国,很少有地方像圣弗朗西斯科,尤其是《卡斯特罗同志》一样,是美国争取LGBT +权利的代名词。 It was here in the 1970s where many of the USA's leading LGBT+ rights organizations formed and where the political trailblazer and gay rights activist, Harvey Milk called home.正是在19年代,许多美国领先的LGBT +权利组织成立了,政治开拓者和同性恋权利活动家Harvey Milk召集了家。 Today the area is still a bastion of LGBT+ culture with a large array of gay bars and clubs, most of which can be found along a stretch of Castro Street that runs between Market and XNUMXth Streets.如今,该地区仍然是LGBT +文化的堡垒,拥有大量同性恋酒吧和夜总会,其中大部分都可以在位于市场和第XNUMX街之间的Castro街上找到。

    Whilst the Castro may have lost some of the bohemia and grit that made it a hotbed for activism in the 1970s, the area still remains one that is defined largely by its LGBT+ population and continues to be a focal point of gay issues nationally.卡斯特罗(Castro)可能已经失去了一些波西米亚风情和沙砾,使之成为XNUMX年代激进主义的温床,但该地区仍然主要是其LGBT +人群所定义的地区,仍然是全国同性恋问题的焦点。 The iconic reputation of The Castro has made it a hotspot of tourism internationally, with both gay and straight people flocking in their thousands to experience the eclectic environment and quirky attractions.卡斯特罗(Castro)的标志性声誉使其成为国际旅游的热点,同性恋者和异性恋者成千上万的人群涌入这里,体验折衷的环境和奇特的景点。 阅读更多: 卡斯特罗同性恋指南.





    The Village建立的同性恋社区在为城市同性恋人口提供安全,包容和有趣的空间方面有着悠久的历史。 The Village, located in Tronto's Downtown area, is the epicenter of life and culture, and it's here that you'll find the majority of the city's gay bars, clubs, and restaurants, including some that were used as filming locations for the US version of the iconic “Queer as Folk”.位于特隆托市区的村庄是生活和文化的中心,在这里您可以找到该市大部分的同性恋酒吧,俱乐部和饭店,其中一些曾被用作美国版的拍摄地点标志性的“民间歌舞”。

    伍迪的 is undoubtedly one of The Village's most popular LGBT+ hangouts, with locals and tourists flocking through its doors for unmissable drag shows and world-class entertainment.毫无疑问,这是该村最受欢迎的LGBT +视讯聚会之一,当地人和游客蜂拥而至,无处不在的拖曳表演和世界一流的娱乐活动。 Offering a slightly more laid-back and casual atmosphere,提供稍微悠闲和休闲的氛围, 精品吧 Boutique酒店友好开放的氛围非常适合结识当地人和拜访LGBT +个人。 阅读更多: 多伦多同性恋指南.





    Palace Bar酒吧是在室外露台上a饮美味鸡尾酒并活出80年代真实迈阿密风情的理想人选。 Unlike most gay districts in North America, South Beach is home to与北美大多数同性恋地区不同,南海滩是 第十二街同性恋海滩, popular with all sorts of gay men, seeking the warm sands and crystal blue waters.受到各种男同性恋者的追捧,他们寻求温暖的沙滩和湛蓝的海水。 12th Street Beach can be found easily as it is located close to the massive Flamingo Park.靠近大型火烈鸟公园的附近,很容易找到XNUMXth Street海滩。 阅读更多: 迈阿密最好的事情.





    Bute和Davie街构成了Davie Village的中心地带,在这里您可以找到该地区大部分的同性恋场所,从小而亲密的人观看热点到广阔而高档的同性恋舞蹈俱乐部。 It's not just gay nightlife which is in plentiful supply in Davie Village, there is also a range of LGBT+ focused stores, bookshops, cafes, and community spaces.戴维村(Davie Village)不仅有大量同性恋夜生活,而且还有许多LGBT +重点商店,书店,咖啡厅和社区空间。

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